You Can Watch „Quiz Show“ Online

In the past you had to go to a store if you wanted to rent or buy a movie. These days you can stay at home and get movies form a movie download site. Following is list of a few movies that you can get using a movie download site.

50 First Dates: Is an inspirational story of true love. Henry Roth meets and falls in love with Lucy Whitmore. The problem is that Lucy, due to a traumatic event in her past, wakes up every morning forgetting her past. The condition seems permanent so for their relationship to continue Harry will have to start over meeting Lucy every day, for the rest of their lives.

The Siege: New York is under attack by Islamic terrorists. All enforcement agencies must work together to chase down the terrorists. Martial law is called, and CIA and FBI agents work together to take down the terrorists down as quickly as possible.

The Nutty Professor: Professor Sherman Klump is fat, really fat. Having unsuccessfully tried every diet possible, he invents a state of the art fat gene formula. He tries it, and immediately is half the man he used to be. He now can start to pursue a long neglected love life, but there is one problem. His new invention is unstable, and he can return to his former self at any time.

Predator 2: A newer predator arrives on Earth. He is stalking the underworld in LA. Drug dealers are dying under very strange circumstances. Even though the predator is helping the LAPD out, they still are trying to hunt the predator down.

Dick Tracy: Big Boy Caprice and his mob are wreaking havoc on the streets of Chicago. Add to that, a loyal girlfriend, an orphan needing his help, being seduced by the sultry Breathless Mahoney, and a new threat in town know as the Blank, and you can see that Dick Tracy is a very busy man. It will take all his powers to save the city.

Encino Man: When Stoney and Dave are digging a hole in Dave’s backyard for a swimming pool. While doing so, they come across, a prehistoric man, frozen in a block of ice. When the ice thaws, the prehistoric man, they name Link, comes to life. Can Link learn to live in the modern world?

Four Brothers: The rough and rugged Mercer brothers have just found out that there adoptive mother has been murder. The four men gather back at home to decide what to do. They soon start coming to the streets of their youth to track down the killer.

The Matrix Revolutions: Outside the matrix, humans battle valiantly against the onslaught of Sentinals. Meanwhile Neo is inside the matrix, trying to get to the source, and stop the devastation from within. Neo eventually confronts the Deux Ex Machina, and makes a deal to stop the war. His confrontation with Smith will decide the fate of both civilizations, and his true destiny.

White Noise: Jonathan Rivers has lost his wife Anne. Then, he is contacted by a man who claims to have heard Anne’s voice, and has a recording of it. Then Jonathan himself captures a recording of Anne’s voice, and an image of her on video. Anne’s message to Jonathan is to find the brutal killer that took her life, so he won’t harm anyone else.

We have already seen the music industry take off online. With improvements in internet speeds, and other advancements, it is now possible for movies to be downloaded as readily as music. If you love watching movies, it is well worth looking into.

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