Wristbands Throughout the History

In ancient civilizations, it was common for gold and silver ornate jewelry to adorn many a wrist. These days, its rubber bracelets that are all the rage. While these wristbands may not cost a pretty penny- or other barterable equivalent, their value in terms of expressiveness is quite extensive. These colorful rubber rings are worn all over the world to symbolize an individuals solidarity with others in their efforts to fight a variety of social problems and diseases; cancer, violence against women and children, diabetes, hunger, poverty, and war are a few.

While in ancient times, wrist adornment was a matter of social standing, in the modern world rubber wristbands are worn by politicians, actors, military personnel, and athletes alike, regardless of race, nationality or creed. In Barack Obamas 2008 presidential campaign, he donned a black (metal) wristband given to him by the mother of a young man who was killed in the Iraq War as a sign of remembrance.

In the early 2000s, a wristband wearers cause was distinguishable by the color of the band:

A purple wrist band: signified the fight against domestic violence

A pink rubber bracelets: signified the desire to wipe out breast cancer.

A bright yellow band: In 2004, world champion cyclist Lance Armstrong began his „Livestrong“ campaign against cancer by a wearing a bright yellow band.

Wristbands usually cost no more than $1 and as more and more charitable organizations join the wristband bandwagon, it is easy to find a rubber bracelet that will help you express your support of any cause.

Students at Bellflower High School, in Bellflower, California recently raised over $100 in just one afternoon selling beaded bracelets for charity for one dollar a piece. They plan to donate the money raised in selling these homemade bracelets to efforts in modern India to offer disadvantaged children needed cleft palate surgery though the organization Smile Train.

Though todays wristbands are a means to deal with some very serious causes, they are usually worn quite casually. This was not the case in ancient Rome, China, and India where these bracelets were taken more seriously.

In Greek culture, women would adorn their arms above and below the elbow with wrappings of gold or silver, perfect accents to their flowing gowns and elaborate hairstyles. Often these bracelets would be detailed with animals such as lions or snakes to ward off evil spirits. Conversely, Greek men wore metal or thick leather cuffs along the forearms to protect their arms during deadly fights on the battlefields.

In China, wrist adornment was as much a part of a kings wardrobe as his silk robes or head coverings might be. Kings, and other members of the aristocracy, wore bracelets decorated with precious stones, dragons, and phoenixes as signifiers of affluence.

Indian women in bygone eras, just as today, wore gold bangles to show that they are married. Many would wear multiple bangles of many materials, styles and colors for adornment and to symbolize their husbands affluence.

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