What is Twitter

Twitter is a website that allows you to interact with different people around the globe. Twitter is like my space but instead of talking to one person youre talking to everyone you have in your followings category. Twitter is a place where you can meet new people and learn new things. Twitter is kind of like blogging in a way.

Originally Twitter was just supposed to be a site where you can interact with family and friends from your phone and the computer. Twitter later grew into a micro-blogging network that allowed people to talk to each other not only from the computer but from their cell phones too.

When twitter first came out, the thought of blogging 140 characters was a little hard to grasp. After a while people got use to blogging and the site grew to an astonishing popularity. Twitter later became known by CNN, American Idol, and several other shows.

When twitter started to get popular ever body from politicians to radio hosts started to use twitter as a type of publicity tool. People like Oprah and the president himself opened a twitter account and it didnt stop there. Politician, actors and several other people began to use twitter as a publicity tool.

To start your own twitter page you can go to the web site and click sign up. Information that is required from you is your name and email address. You will also have to create a password that you can remember. Optional information like your cell phone is your choice to put in.

After your information is put in you may proceed to follow anyone you would like whether it be someone you know or someone you dont know. Your inbox on your email will receive any messages, or as twitter will call them tweets and your cell phone will also receive a txt if anyone tweets you.

When followers begin to follow you be sure to updated or tweet interesting articles to your followers because if you dont do that often then your followers may disappear over time and thats not good because you want to show that there are more followers then there are following.

About the Author:

319 Gedanken zu „What is Twitter“

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