What Is the Purpose Of A Promotional Torch?

Although a promotional torch is usually only utilized as a small token during large campaigns, they gain your business a wide deal of exposure when imprinted with your company name and brand. It is true, that a promotional torch is not as durable as a more expensive torch may be, but this does not render them useless, in fact a promotional torch is the perfect way to get attention drawn to your company.

When you are looking into promotional torches, you should not look at the functionality of the item, but instead the novelty. By doing this you are opening up the creativity options, that for a more functional promotional item, would not be attainable. When you order a promotional torch, you must realize that, although it is not a torch that can be used by a plumber or electrician, it is a promotional torch that will be used and shown to family, friends and co workers.

If your company is looking for a serious torch maker, there would be no way that you could consider creating a hot pink starfish shaped torch. However since this is a promotional torch a hot pink starfish shaped torch may be just what you’re looking for if you’re promoting a cruise line or a fish store. In fact choosing a specialty shaped promotional torch may actually move your promotional torch from being a disposable novelty into a curiosity that may be kept around for a long time. There are no guarantees of course that your specialty shaped promotional torch will make this jump however you might as well stack the marketing deck in your favor anyway that you can.

With a promotional torch, you can take creativity even further then the shape and color; you can change the color of the light as well. Since a promotional torch uses an LCD light bulb, it is possible to order the bulbs in various colors. Let’s take the car for example, you can choice to change the color of the light bulb to red, and make the taillights light instead of the headlights. This is something that may be able to be done with a more serious torch, however it would take away from it’s functionality, thus turning it into a promotional torch anyway.

When changing the color of your LCD light, you also have the choice of utilizing a tri colored light, red, green and blue. These lights tend be make your promotional torches a little more costly, however they definitely make a greater impact. Promotional torches such as theses are perfect for a larger corporate event.

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