Website Promotion: Article Marketing is Your Best Bet

With eight active websites, I keep pretty busy. But, no matter how busy I get, I allocate at least four hours of my time each day to promoting my sites.

I initiate link exchanges, write press releases, produce newsletters, and more. But, I spend more time engaged in article marketing than in any other activity because it produces, by far, the best results. Of course, you have to do it right.

If you pay attention to the following suggestions, you can expect to be successful.

1. The title of your article is extremely important. The better the title, the more often the article will be reprinted and read.

2. Do not write too formally or you will risk sounding stilted. But, avoid slang, especially if the nature of your website is such that you need to be taken seriously.

3. Respect your readers‘ time. Be clear and concise.

4. Concentrate on writing articles about, or related to, the subject(s) of your website. But, write on general interest topics as well so you can get your articles in as many article directory sites as possible and maximize the number of website owners who will use them on their sites.

5. Craft your author’s box copy carefully. Be certain that your website links are embedded in your best keywords. Most of my sites are on higher education, so my links are embedded in terms like „online degrees“, „online colleges“, „scholarships“ and other terms for which I would like my sites to rank well.

6. Proofread. Even one error in spelling or punctuation can prevent your article from being published.

Nothing will compensate for good content. But, however good your content, aggressive promotion is required if you want people to visit your site. And, nothing works better than a well-conceived article marketing campaign.

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