Web 2.0 Real Estate Marketing Is The Wave Of The Future

Web 2.0 real estate marketing is helping change the face of the real estate business. For those who do not know what Web 2.0 is; it is considered to be the second version of the internet. Web 2.0 is composed mainly of social networking utilities. Wikis, blogs, You Tube and Facebook are just some of applications that make up Web 2.0.

Not too many years ago, if the average person had a question about the possibility of selling their home, they could go on the internet and find a realtor’s website. Find the appropriate place to enter their question and wait for someone to call them back. Many people did not like this way of getting information. One, they had to send their personal information across the internet. And two, now they have a realtor that is trying to pressure them to buy or sell a home.

People can find out anything that is related to real estate using the Web 2.0 real estate marketing arena. Some of the topics range from how to stage your home when trying to sell it to understanding the types of loans that are available. This is a social network that is invaluable for first time home buyers.

For the realtors, Web 2.0 helps to get your listings out in front of as many people as possible. Mash ups combine many databases and your listings will be seen more frequently because of this technology. More people are on broadband or DSL internet connections, so you can make videos tours of the homes that you are trying to sell.

By utilizing the video tours, the realtor can eliminate the curious neighbor that just has to know what the house looks like. When people from out of town contact the realtor, they can ask more pointed questions, instead vague and general questions about a particular piece of real estate.

When a home goes on the market and there is an open house, many of the neighbors go through the house out of curiosity. There is just the nature of the business but it is a waste of your time to try and sell a home to someone that is not interested.

There are a lot of less than honest people that are trying to cash in on the Web 2.0 real estate marketing’s rising trend. There are many sales pitches out there, offering guaranteed sales leads or a sure fire program that requires little work but yields lost of money. Web 2.0 real estate marketing is a resourceful tool but everything takes a little hard work.

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