Use a Unique Offering When Marketing to Internet Marketers

There may be a huge market out there, of business owners looking for informational products; but there also a lot of businesses out there who are catering to the needs of this market. To market your own informational product you’ll need to stand out from the crowd.

You will need to identify your unique selling point if you want to rise above the rest. There are various ways to achieve this:

Targeting Market Niches. You will up the chances of customers choosing your products if you target a defined group of business owners to sell to.

Selling Specific Products. You can specialize in one subject area, such as information on Private Label Rights content. Alternatively, your products can span a range of topics but deliver in particular formats, such as reports.

Experience and Knowledge. You can promote your products by emphasizing your competence in a particular field. People want expert knowledge and if you can establish yourself as an expert in that field you will enhance your credibility. You might want to highlight your business qualifications, such as degrees, or the time you have spent working in a particular niche.

Point of View- Sometimes giving a different point of view on a topic can establish your uniqueness and gain you a nice sharp edge on your competition. For example, maybe you have inside information on a particular topic. This could be used to play on the business owner’s desires.

Establishing a name for yourself- This is a strong tactic to use within the social networking communities. Once you build rapport with the fellow members of the group you have joined; you start to show them what you’re all about. As they get to know you; you start to become a ‚celebrity‘ of sorts within that niche. Voila! You’ve established a name for yourself and people have trust to buy from you.

Broaden your horizons- Get yourself out there to every corner of the internet. Join Message boards, forums, run a blogging community, and utilize all the available tools the internet provides like social bookmarking sites. The more your name is out there, the more your business is known. And then what? More Sales happen.

Show Your Human Side. There’s more to you than business and if you can show your caring and compassionate self, do it. You’ll find networking and trust-building blossoms if you’re not one-dimensional. If your market is work-at-home mums, and you’re one too, don’t be afraid to show it. People relate to people like themselves.

Use Formats Effectively. The conventional way to share information is via written materials, such as articles or eBooks. A different format could make your product and business stand out. You could experiment with:

Video format

Audio format


These formats give your customers a different way to learn their information from. Instead of always having to read a document on their computer, they can watch a video of you talking about it instead. You can also attach a written transcript with it, so they can follow along if they choose or give them something to refer to later on when questions arise.

Making money with informational products taps into online business owners‘ desires: the desire to succeed and the desire to improve their business in order to do that. It adds up to a great opportunity to make money.

Get into this billion dollar industry and market the information they want, need and most of all desire. This is Problem-Solution. They have a problem and you have the solution. You have the knowledge to offer them, so give what they desire-information on how to succeed.

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