Two Popular Methods Of Printing T Shirts

Perhaps, you have taken note of yourself asking how the designs of t shirts are made. In the passing of the years, you could have also been the owner of quite a number of this all-around piece of clothing. In all likelihood, you have at least a shirt that is your all-time favorite; you liked how the design represents some of your opinions about life.

For a number of people, t shirts are not used merely for draping over their bodies. Most people utilize these garment pieces to display their hobbies, group memberships, thoughts, and general ideas about everything under the sun. T shirts have been the most common and inexpensive way of promotion; this affordability has been utilized by political parties, celebrity endorsers, product manufacturers, corporations, artists, and events coordinators.

It could probably be that you are interested in the technique of printing t shirt designs, considering that most people possess at least six of them. Maybe, too, you’ve attempted a shirt printing project in your younger days. You maybe have done it because no stores sell any shirt with a design to go with what you stood for.

Currently, innovations in Science have made it possible to print designs unto cloth by utilizing a wide array of techniques. Yet, this time, this article will talk about a couple of methods that are very common for t shirt printing.

Screen printing is the most conventional or basic method of transferring designs onto any piece of cloth. Screen printing uses a fabric screen; once a stencil is in place, the screen functions as the sieve through which paint can get through. Then the screen is put atop the piece of fabric which, in this case, is the t shirt. Paint is then poured onto the fabric screen; if using more than one paint color, there will be separate pourings for each paint color. T shirt printers can claim that screen printing gives the best quality results compared with all other methods on hand.

Still, when you are to print a bulk volume of t shirts, you would obviously be pressed for time if you utilize screen printing. Hence, heat transfer printing is more ideal for this task; it is the other most common procedure of shirt printing. In this technique, the design is printed out on a special heat transfer paper. Utilizing a heat press, the design that a person wants is ironed onto the fabric. Cost-wise, heat transfer printing is more cost-efficient than the conventional screen printing method. Still, there had been reported incidents where the designs got cracked or destroyed while being heat transferred onto fabric.

Even when you are printing t shirts even just as a pastime, it would still necessitate that you use the most suitable printing method for your needs. Pick out the one that suits your time and budget best so you can be on your way to creating and wearing uniquely designed clothes.

For a huge selection of ideas for corporate gifts Singapore and t-shirt printing in Singapore visit us today – Singapore based global service.

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