To Understand and Master Google Pay Per Click Service is to Understand These Key Principles

Hi there! This is Lawrence Talent from! Ive been a student of Google AdWords (well, pay per click in general really) for years now! And even though PPC is a constant moving target (especially AdWords), there are still some principles that will never change. What follows are 5 key concepts you must always keep in mind when advertising on any PPC networks.

CPC – Cost Per Click This is simply how much you to pay when someone clicked on your ad. This number can range anywhere from as little as a cent or two, to ten dollars a click and up. The competitiveness, the market, and how much Google perceives a market to be worth affect how much you should look at paying per click. How much you bid for every click influences the position of your ad. All else being equal, the higher you bid, the higher your ad appears.

Click thru rate, CTR, is the measure of how many times your advertisement gets clicked on given how many times it was shown. It is expressed as a percentage (number of clicks over the number of impressions, which is another way of saying the number of times an ad was shown). So lets say your ad showed 200 times and it was clicked on twice. That results in a CTR of 1% (2 divided by 200). Your goal, by the way, is to achieve as high of a CTR as possible.

Quality Score “ In other words, what Google thinks of your keyword. And what do I mean by that? It means whether Google likes your keyword in your campaign being used in the manner you are using it. This quality score is reported to you from a scale of 1 to 10. With 10 being Google loves it and 1 being Why the heck are you using it? You of course want to shoot for a high quality score to keep Google happy “ lest you get Google Slapped which well talk about in a bit.

Relevancy. Okay, relevancy has become a bigger and bigger deal over the past few years. Google and other PPC engines wised up when they noticed spammers abusing their system (back in the days when CPC for all keywords were dirt cheap). Spammers were bidding on ridiculous terms like Disneyland and directing the traffic to their mature audience only websites. Thats a big no no. So now the pay per click engines study your ads, keywords, campaign, landing pages, and a whole slew of other factors in determining if your advertisement is relevant to the audience its targeting.

Google slap is Googles way of punishing you for being a bad marketer on their AdWords system. What is a bad marketer in their definition? Well there are many offenses but perhaps the most common/big one is having keywords that get no traffic, low CTR, low bids, and/or are irrelevant to your campaign. Translation, when Google thinks its end-users do NOT like you. Avoid the Google Slap! Keep your AdWords slim, fit, and highly targeted.

This is by no means a comprehensive guide to Google AdWords, far from it as a matter of fact. What you have just been exposed to is but the tip of the ice berg. Think of Google as made up thousands of individual matters each matter, well, matters! Each by themselves may not do a whole lot of noticeable difference but when you tally them up, you will. So keep these 5 matters in mind and keep on studying more.

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