Tips on how to get a really unique, extreme and innovative tattoo.

A lot of people who choose to get a tattoo are undecided on what design to get. Reasons for having the tattoo, message you want to say to others and what design you’re looking for are some things that you should consider before getting a tattoo. The design is obviously the most significant feature.

To get a really unique, crazy or innovative tattoo, you should look at designs before committing yourself to one. You may want to mix different designs together to get the exact tattoo you want. This creates a very unique tattoo in that it is your own design from others work.

Come up with a decision if you would want your tattoo either in color or black and gray. This goes a long way in making your tattoo exceptional. At times tattoos in colors fade but the black and grays can last longer.

When you choose a tattoo, make sure it is not for the wrong reason. In other words, don’t get a tattoo just because it is the „in“ thing to do. Your tattoo reflects you as a person, your sense of humor and your individuality.

Ask around for references to a good tattoo artist. Don’t just pull into the first tattoo parlor you see along the road. Professional tattoo artists will usually have a good reputation and word of mouth sends many clients their way. These artists are usually more expensive than the „run-of-the-mill“ artist and for good reasons. They have years of experience in their art and their reputation proves this.

Decide what you want your tattoo to project to others. It should reflect something about you and tell others about you or your personality. Do research on designs you are considering. Finding out the meaning of a design may help you to decide what level to go with.

It is wise that if it is your first tattoo, one must start with a small one which can be simply covered by clothing. This way if you are not pleased with the design you can easily cover it up.

Lastly, confirm on the pricing of tattoos. It doesn’t have to be expensive but remember the saying, „You get what you pay for“. Most of the time a more experienced tattoo artists charge more because there are less mistakes made and the artwork is better. Selecting an unusual, serious, extreme or simply outrageous tattoo is a personal thing. However, to get the tattoo you want from the design you want can make the difference between an excellent experience and an awful one.

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