Tips For Utah Scentsy Consultants

This is another article just for Utah Scentsy Consultants. I know I’ve written others but I wanted to be sure to share the ideas I’ve had for my sister to help you all more effectively market not just your products but yourselves as well both on and offline.

Utah Scentsy Consultants have a lot of competition… with each other. You’re a loving bunch so it all works out, but the fact is that there are a lot of consultants in your area who are throwing parties for your warm market as often as you are – so what’s happens?

Your warm market (your friends and family) are going from party to party supporting all their friends by buying from someone else just because they are there and they like the products. What to do about it?

Think outside the box.

Here are a few tips you can borrow from my awesome and brilliant sister that can help to increase your product sales. These tips can keep you hopping. The downside to these tips is that they are only going to help with product sales…they are not likely to help you with building a downline, so I encourage you to turn on your creativity and keep an open mind and heart for inspiration. (You cannot build an empire based solely on product sales).

Utah Scentsy Consultant Tip #1: Do more than parties.

My Utah Scentsy Consultant sister started thinking outside the box several months ago and re-connected with the people she used to work with at a mortgage company.

Eventually (NOTE: Never give up on people, you never know what window will open down the road.) one of her loan officer friends contacted her to see what she could do as far as putting together a really great house warming basket for the people who just got a home loan.

My sister did more than think „Scentsy Products“ for this project. She thought about some of the basic essentials needed for taking over a new home. She put together a whole housewarming basket that was budget wise for her but lovely for the receiver (hey, win-win!) She came up with things that she would have appreciated if someone were giving her a similar type of gift. What would be useful? A mop, a sponge, all purpose cleaner, and the all important Scentsy wall plugin with a popular scent.

Don’t think that I am tipping you to eliminate parties. No, no. If my sister hadn’t been inviting all of these friends to the many parties she threw, well they wouldn’t have kept her in mind to fill this need.

So think hard about the people that you know. Make connections with new people – particularly if they are in a position to have a need that you can fill. Then make sure you are thinking from their point of view and not just about making a sale.

Tip #2 for Utah Scentsy Consultants: Spread the word using your best tool…the internet.

In your opinion, what is the biggest selling point for Scentsy? For me it’s the safety factor. The safety of my children is very important to me. It is also important to me to support my sister. I get to take care of both with Scentsy products because they don’t get hot enough to harm my children. They can spill the wax on themselves and not be harmed. Of course they will say it’s warm but they won’t be burned.

For mom’s with small children Safety is a big selling point. The warmers may be pretty but the fact is you can get nice warmers from the grocery stores. You have to fill people in on the dangers that other warmers present so they see the value of your product over the others out there.

If I were a Utah Scentsy Consultant I would ask around and get some stories about people who have been hurt by the hot oils, or other brands of warmers that got too hot, and I think I would make a video showing the brands that are harmful and maybe get photos of the injuries.

Then I would show my audience the low watt light bulb, and even dip my finger in some of the melted wax in my warmer to show them that it’s not too hot. I would sell the warmers and then give my new customers a sample of the most popular wax.

Make sure you stay in touch with your customers because if they see that you care enough about them to send them a note in the mail or a personal message on Facebook you are more likely to get a return customer.

That’s all for today! Have a great time with these Utah Scentsy Consultant Tips!

I’ll talk to you later.

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