The urge to give up arrives in most every home business

The majority of people in their home business never want to face the truth that what their doing to promote and get traffic to website is not working. And the one’s that do click on their link are not doing what was intended. After a while that grows more than very old.

They go to their website stats and see the results are pretty much the same each day.The positive thinking mojo is not working and they need to realize there’s much more than that to running a business. The savvy is definately missing, and the tools in their back office are not magic buttons any more.

And even if this majority of new networkers did get some response they panick, and don’t want to say or how to respond. They use all the scripts in their back office and it feels ackward, and they always feel like they make to many mistakes. They eventually get burned out on this and start to question if their home business is really worth it.

There’s no reason for it to even happen this way. Comfort zones I understand are hard to work past sometimes, but you really don’t have to cold call warm market leads, that kind of courage isn’t necessary. Courage to gain the knowledge and experience more in the leadership marketing role is where networkers need to focus.

And this is where the problems always stem from. Most new entrepreneurs have good intentions and want to act on them, but do all the wrong things and in this moment in marketing time, marketing methods are the most important thing to have a good understanding of. Blowing off this knowledge is a big mistake.

What are they going to do? Realizing what they do know isn’t working, because their bank account tells their marketing story here. If the story is good, I congradulate them. But all those chores their going at in your back office should be used, but with a much better marketing system in place.

We don’t go into a home business or any kind of business not to make money. The tried and true marketer’s are out there sharing their marketing knowledge and why wouldn’t they. But their not going to just give it away, why would they. When you have taken the time to know what marketing methods really do work, and offering those interested a chance to have a great markeitng system in place for themselves, is the way it works.

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