The Secrets of Real Estate Investors – Tips to Market your postcard

Is there anything more stifling to a good real estate postcard mailing than a blank computer screen? Consider this scenario (not an uncommon one for many a direct marketer in any area): Your mailing list has been carefully chosen. Your printer is waiting for your postcard copy. And there you sit staring at a blank screen. You haven’t written a single sentence yet.

By now, you have already diligently chosen a mailing list provider. Together you have figured out the mailing list that is best for your real estate postcard marketing campaign. The printing store has also confirmed that they can do the work at your price. But you don’t have your copy yet!

You may be getting frustrated right now. But start smiling because this setback has motivated you to read this article and learn a technique that will make writing your next real estate direct mails faster and easier than before. In addition, you will be using your competitors‘ research, hard work, and experience to help you with your copywriting.

So how does this work? What you need to do is to collect all the real estate direct mails you have received from your competitors. Begin reading them. Check out words, adjectives, verbs, phrases, and writing styles that seize your attention and engage you to keep on reading.

But you can – and should – get some really good ideas for your own mailing. Soon, you’ll discover that blank computer screen you’re staring at is taking shape as a sure-fire direct-mail campaign.

I acquired these ideas from my older firm where I was working under direct mail firm. The possessor explained me about his mailing campaign. He told it would be several pages long. Though, he had not handled any copywriting work before he was not able to hire a professional writer since he had shortage of funds. But the beauty is he never compromised.

I learned this technique when I used to work for a small business owner of a real estate direct mail company. Like other small businesses, he used innovative methods to overcome his limited resources. Since hiring more people is beyond his budget, he came up with this technique instead so he could write his own copy.

It took him several hours to incite a attach pages, but finally he had a sales laurels that had his clear impression. And first document to label his own. And he armored it.

And do you know what? It produced very good results for him. And some 30 years later, he’s still enjoying outstanding success in the business. And just for your information, he still has a hand in writing all his copy. And he still gets some of his best inspiration from the advertising material that lands in his mail box.

So the next time you’re sitting at the computer screen wishing that a form of direct-marketing inspiration would strike you, gather up all the marketing material you can find. It’s time to kick start that inspiration into high gear with a little help from your uh, competitors.

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