The Right Way To To Leverage Facebook For Efficient Advertising

If you’re tired of trying your hand on Google AdWords and losing money, maybe it’s time for you to go for some other options such as Facebook advertising. Even though Facebook hasn’t been around very long, it is growing rapidly. Advertisers show that they get pretty good conversions when they run advertising on Facebook and that is encouraging news. This means that the door of opportunity is wide open for you to jump in and give it a shot. Here are three quick tips that you can implement to turn the highest profit possible from Facebook. Have a look at these informational websites – SEO Orlando and social media marketing plan.

So where exactly should you be sending the traffic that is generated from your Facebook ads? Obviously you should send it to a landing page, but what kind of landing page should you use? A Facebook fan page! This is true: your Facebook fan page can get you a plenty high conversion rate. You’d be surprised by how many new advertisers don’t know just how great it can be to make a fan page for your traffic. If you simply send the traffic to your regular website your conversion rates won’t be as high. The simple fact is that Facebook users are familiar with fan pages and think that it is easier to simply press the like button and become a fan. After a user gets to your fan page your chance of getting them to buy from you increases because you can interact with them directly. The higher number of people on your fan page, the better your business. You can put this strategy to work and see how great it works.

As we have just mentioned, Facebook marketing is something that cannot be ignored – or at least should never be ignored. There are so many possibilities and variations – twists and turns, that maybe you see how difficult it can be to include all bases. But I wanted to stop for a moment so you can reflect on the importance of what you have just read. This is the sort of content that men and women need to know about, and we have no problems saying that. The balance of this document is not to be overlooked because it can make a huge difference.

You can test using CPM versus CPC models when you are testing, and we mean you should try it – test your method of testing. What you will do is calculate your conversion rate for your landing pages using CPM. What you will do is simply see the ads that have the lowest cost per click based on CPM. Using this approach, your total outlay for the campaign will be much lower than if you use cost per click method for testing.

In conclusion, Facebook is changing just like other advertising systems. But the one good point is that it hasn’t gotten old yet, so it still has opportunity to grow.

You will also need to take care that your destination page/URL is closely aligned and consistent with the the feel of your ad. Apply all the copywriting rules that you know to make your copy stand out and attract attention of your target audience. All in all, Facebook is definitely a viable platform when it comes to advertising. We do highly suggest that you know your market very well before you start spending money on advertising. No matter where you run ads, it’s imperative that you test your ads using split testing.

The writer is an internet marketing specialist – who writes on varied real estate matters similar to – Orlando Real Estate and Orlando FL real estate.

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