The Annuity Lead Hoax

How many agents need to get burned by purchasing annuity leads? Are you next? There is no such thing as a third party annuity lead. Its a fantasy in the mind of an agent who thinks they can buy an annuity lead from a third party, earn a high commission and work the annuity market without hard work.

Third party annuity leads are produced by using an auto-responder. A computer that makes phone calls to a database of phone numbers screened for the do-not-call list. The auto-responder asks a simple question to the prospect, such as: Would you be interested in reducing your social security taxes? Click one to speak to a live operator, or click nine to be deleted from the database.

The wholesalers use lead companies as a lure to get the inexperienced agents to sign several contracts with their firm for a couple of free leads. The agent then believes that its just bad luck that nothing happened in the first round of leads, so they buy more thinking their luck will change“but it does not.

When a prospect picks up the phone, they either have a choice of hitting the number one key and speaking to a live operator or hitting the number nine key to be deleted. If they choose number one, a telemarketer in the Philippines or India will pick-up the call and read a script.

Other agents want to believe (hope) that somehow that their business skills (which is next to nothing) will pull them and their family through this dark time. But what happens in almost every case, is the agent suffers even more economic hardship by purchasing the so-called annuity leads, and by going further in debt.

The worst problem is when you actually get to the prospects house“its run down, in shambles. You know right away these people are poor, but you go in anyway“hoping for the best. And you eventually take a fact find and find out the person is broke or has between $5,000 to $25,000 dollars in a CD they do not want to move.

Every agent that I have spoken to who has bought a third party annuity leads had only negative complaints in relation to their experience in purchasing annuity leads. And Ive been training agents for 11 years now“and you think I would have come across one agent who said something positive about annuity leads, unless the whole lead industry is a scam.

You the agent not knowing the truth, hope the leads are good and will lead to at least to a couple good cases. But what happens is 99% to 100% of the leads ends-up a worthless paper-chase. Most of the leads cost between $9 dollars to $98 dollars a lead. And most agents spend on average of $2,000 a crack when buying annuity leads. You would have been better-off paying down your credit cards!

When an agent goes to a so-called annuity leads house, its usually in shambles. You know youre in trouble, but you still go in hoping for the best. You take your fact find and find-out the prospect is poor as dirt and you scream in the car“wondering how you could be so stupid to buy these leads.

This is not good writing, but an over-view of thousands of agents each week being hustled into believing you could actually buy annuity leads from a third party. The only way you will produce prospects with money (100k and up) is to create unique marketing programs soliciting people with money. I highly recommend that you click on this link: annuity leads if youre serious about producing quality prospects.

If you want to make money in the annuity business, you need a great deal of prospects who are loaded (over 100K)“who are liquid. In addition, you need a program designed to make certain your service is so logical; they would be foolish to walk away from it (such as recovery-planning).

Sincerely, The Commission Doctor

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