Targeted Traffic: Why Is It Really Important for Your Business?

Is it true that any kind of traffic will help you to succeed online? Unfortunately the answer is „no“. You can’t simply afford to make this mistake, and you do not need all the traffic that could be thrown at you at „discount“. Quite too often discounted traffic is nothing more that auto-hits, or in other words, hits automatically generated on some server through the use of back-end scripts. Those hits can mess up your stats since you’ll be thinking you’re getting a lot of real visitors and no conversions. And you might even change the offer that in reality converts with good rate for the real visitors to the offer with low conversion.

The [b]targeted web traffic[/b] is the only kind you of traffic you need and should be looking for. You want people who have already did their research, have their credit cards ready and are willing to buy what you are offering.

If you get traffic that is supposed to go to the website which is completely different and not related to your business, those visitors will not be buying what you are selling. They are ether surfing or just simply not interested. You will not see them join your list by opting in. The point I am trying to make is it’s better to have 10 potential customers than 1000 visitors that click off your page right away because they are not interested…

Therefore: you have to acquire not just traffic to your site but TARGETTED traffic. You want your visitors to look for the product or services you are offering and be ready to buy them. You do not want visitors who are surfing the web to get freebies that are similar to your product or service. You do not want visitors who are not going to use the products or actually can’t use it. You are not interested in visitors that are not interested in what you have to offer.

How to get such kind of traffic? Here are a few thoughts on attracting „hungry“ or „interested“ visitors:

1. Creating articles that showcase your products. Explaining and focusing on benefits that your product offers versus the features that you product has. Customers need to know how your product will help them, how it will make their live easy, how it will make them feel better, enjoy their lives, provide them with a pool of information etc.

2. Advertisement should be placed in the strategic spots popular among the people from your targeted niche. This way your potential customers can see those ads.

3. Posting your link in as many places as you can to increase your website and product visibility. Of course you should watch out for bad neighborhoods and don’t post your links there. And certainly you should avoid link farms. They will only hurt you, and are not trustworthy at all in the eyes of the search engines.

4. Looking for the blogs and forums where your prospects are „hanging“ out and passionately discuss various topics related to your product or service.

You main objective should be to capture prospects and customers‘ information for further marketing campaigns. At least they should give you their names and emails. And when it’s done don’t forget to actually using the list that you have built. You subscribers can seriously increase web site traffic and bring substantial profits.

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