Schlagwort-Archive: Vemma Products

Vemma Review As A Home Business Opportunity – Is it a Solid Company?

This Vemma review can help you understand how they can help you make money and if they are right for you. It started in 2004, and offers nutritional drinks to kids and adults and is one of the top companies of this type in the world.

BK Boreyko used his 20 years experience in the health industry and the experience he had of creating a billion dollar earning company in under 10 years to Vemma and combined them to make it successful. His avant guarde style of leadership allows his associates to earn their money through mentoring, so they find their own way to success.

„NEXT“ is the drink line for children aged 2 to 12. This is a drinkable vitamin and offers many of the recommended daily doses for children. „VERVE“ is the teen and adult beverage, and it offers a healthy energy drink without all the bad ingredients found in many competitor’s brands. VERVE also gives you 10 times the nutritional value they contain.

Recurring orders are how you get paid, and you can earn 5, 10 or 50 dollars off of every purchase, from single and family orders. This plan is geared toward making recurring orders instead of moving a lot of products, so that you can earn residual income. Once you get 4 people in your down line, you can begin to earn team bonuses. It is not going to make you rich overnight, but provide a stable income with work.

The top earners were regular folks that believed in the product and themselves. The number one sales associate in the world is Tom Alkazin, and he lives with his family in California. Ruth Elliot and Harald Maier are part of the top three, and they all were real people that wanted to improve their lives.

You can use this Vemma review to decide if the products or income opportunity will be a fit for you. It offers a strong product with many health benefits you may not find elsewhere. Building your Vemma downline can help you make an income that you can depend on if you use the right marketing what the top 1% of MLM money earners use.

To see the secret internet marketing strategies that the most successful money earners use click the hyperlinked words below this article.

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