Schlagwort-Archive: tourism marketing

Sport Tourism – What It Is

Are you new to the term Sport Tourism? Up until recently, I was clueless about it. But sport tourism has been happening for ages, in fact, since the time the first sporting event, The Olympics, was around! Yep, that’s right, Sport tourism is nothing but a fancy name given to the entire process of travelling to different locations to view sporting events live! Now we all know that the ancient Greeks, from every part of the country, congregated at Athens to witness the Olympics, don’t we?


So what is the modern definition of Sport Tourism? It is basically active and passive forms of sporting activity or involvement which will take the traveller away from home, to the destination where the sporting event is being held. One of the best examples of sport tourism can be found in the neighbouring country of Canada.
The community of Prince George, in Canada takes sports tourism to a whole new level. Everyone who shares a passion for a particular sport is ensured a smooth journey and an unequalled experience when it comes to sporting events. In fact, the sheer variety of complimentary services which are offered is enough to tempt you to take a trip to Prince George.

For The Traveller And The Organizer

If you belong to a corporate organization, one which is interested in hosting a sporting event, then Prince George may well turn out to be the destination for you. This is simply because the facilities offered by Prince George are some of the best in the world. The first class accommodation is also not more than ten minutes away from any sporting stadium or grounds and the best part is that the international airport is just about eleven kilometres away from the heart of the city!

There are also a number of sports clubs in Prince George which take sports very seriously and if you’re looking for a good game, then a friendly match between visiting athletes and the natives is a must! The community at Prince George is extremely fond of sports and does all that it can to encourage and develop it.

But the best part about Prince George, is that it is a small town, but it has the all the amenities that a large city has on offer. Hang on, it gets even better! The costs are way more reasonable than those in large cities and any assistance which you require; in order to organize a sporting event is readily available at hand.

In addition to this, special menus for athletes and organizers are available, which take care of the requirements of both parties. Last, but not the least, Prince George, works in close collaboration with Canada’s national as well as provincial sport organizations to make your stay a memorable one. Prince George is just one city which offers sport tourism facilities, there are many more. Log on to to discover them all!

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Holidays On a Budget- Very Much A Reality

Vacations and holidays mean one thing and one thing only – HAPPINESS; but one needs to make sure that all that happiness comes at a pocket friendly price, which means great holiday deals. Let’s face facts, we’ve been hit by a serious bout of recession and so, travelling and taking holidays (especially international ones) is not getting any cheaper. If anything, prices are on the rise.

A lot of us have stopped taking vacations or at any rate, have cut down on the number of vacations we take in a year. But rising stress and work pressure means that we do need breaks and the best way to take a much needed break is to go on a vacation. So, how do we balance this out? One must, after all take breaks when one needs to. Simple, we just need to find a travel agent who has great vacation specials and holiday deals up his or her sleeves.

Tips For You

It might sound like an uphill task, but it really is not. You just need to be smart about it and you’ll find that it is, in fact, quite easy. For example, you can go to a great place at a cheap price by adjusting your timing. You can go during the off season time, rather than the peak season time. That itself, will lead to a decrease in the price of your airfare, hotel accommodation and sightseeing expenditure.

Choose your airlines carefully. Often, the most expensive part of a journey is the flight, especially if your destination is far away and you have to go on long haul flights. But of late, the increasing number of low cost airlines has made sure that everyone can afford to travel to far off places. Make sure you choose low cost airline which has a good track record and is also pocket friendly.

Budgeting Pointers

In order to ensure that your holiday expenditure does not go over budget, here are a few tips designed to help you out:

* Be prepared! Make a list of all the essential items or things which you need to spend on. This really does help and you aren’t faced with „sudden expenditure“.
* Make sure that you have a small amount tucked away somewhere for safety or emergency purposes. You might just have to reschedule your flight or book fresh tickets due to an illness!
* It isn’t feasible to suddenly come up with a lump sum of money just before your holiday. And if you can do that, chances are, you’ll feel the pinch. It’s best to save up throughout the year; that way, you won’t get the feeling that you’re splurging and most importantly, you won’t feel guilty!

But the best tip for a holiday on a budget (shoestring or not!) is to ensure that you have a good travel agent at your side who will have the best vacation deals and holiday specials ready for you; have fun!

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