Schlagwort-Archive: top article marketing

Article Marketing Results: You Getting Your Full Share?

No matter if you are a seasoned internet marketing stud already or someone just starting out, what you will come to discover is that article marketing results can simply be astounding and will change the course of your online business if done perfectly.

Be very aware, there are the tame ways of doing article marketing and then there are the ways that the heaviest of hitters use it.

Article writing and article marketing is still one of the best ways for the smaller player to go after those keywords that are best. No other form of online marketing can touch what a perfectly run article campaign can do.

To get these kinds of article writing results, you obviously start with a keyword that is getting great search volume every month and you put that keyword into the headline and the copy of your new article.

But that is a game as well as you will never „get ranked“ for keywords where the competition is too great.

Your mission is to target those keywords that are getting good search volume but not tremendous search volume.

You want to win this war, not just get bloodied in it.

The real and best article marketing results start once you have that article published to as many of the best article marketing sites as possible.

Because if those articles are out there and not „seen“ by the biggest search engines, they do you no good at all.

And where the game for your article marketing services company gets interesting is when they start to create bookmarks that point to your new articles every day.

This points to your new articles from very quality sites and adds tremendous value to them.

Is this where you stop when you’re after the best article marketing results? Not a chance.

The best article writing companies will then pick up the RSS feeds from those social bookmark sites and ping them each and every day…in essence, they will call the search engines out every day to look at a new link pointing to one of your new articles.

If you want article marketing results, you need to fight hard.

With the competition for keywords out there these days, nothing else will do. So make sure you get the best article writers and the top article marketing companies working this system 24/7.

If your articles are not getting your top best most searched keywords to Google page 1 you are not getting article marketing results. This article marketing services company absolutely guarantees it.