Schlagwort-Archive: Takr Your Company Public

Global Expansion – Taking Your Company Public – Real Globalizatoin Strategies

Listen carefully because this is the truth that no one wants you to know. Whether you’re a public or private company, expansion should always be at the forefront of your mind. The key to domestic and international expansion is strategic partnerships and publicity. The element of each of these mandatory prerequisites is the almighty contact, nothing happens without them. There is nothing like making a call, giving a quick pitch to a friend and helping them see the light and discovering miraculously that your company is the answer to their market demand, there you go, that’s your first strategic alliance, the first of many.

Facilitating the most effective expansion strategies will typically find success with the consultant with the most contacts. Don’t try to do this yourself; if you had the contacts needed for this process you’d have used them by now, no offense.

Bring in someone fresh. Bring in a strategies consultant that deals globally on a daily basis with industries in all spheres including public, private and governmental, east and west. The economic power a company can achieve with just a month or two of services from a true strategies consultant can completely transform your existing and future entity’s existence.

Imagine the power in massive globalization and introductions to powerful CEOs, COOs and CFOs and shareholders and other decision makers in industries that are inter-reliant and just click.

A strategies consultant or consulting firm can give you in a month what your sales force couldn’t give you in a year, expedient and grand expansion in all geographic localities at a fraction of the cost.

Think about it! The same way special interest groups use lobbyists, you can use a strategies firm. Its how all the big guys are doing it. Sometimes the smallest moves make all the difference.

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