Schlagwort-Archive: taking your company public

Taking Your Company Public and How To Raise Capital In Tough Times

As the unfortunate recipients of a bastardized economy whose immediate future is as grim as the past two years there is a massive economic shift. Banks are crumbling towers of cards and executives in charge of this so called ‚rebound‘ effort are about as qualified as a blind, deaf, mute, quadriplegic trying to win the iron man. In short, at this rate we’re in big trouble.

How ca a global economy prosper when we have intellectual midgets at the helm as nothing more than marionettes dancing to strings attached to the fingers of bureaucratic madmen controlled by power, greed and the need to dominate? The answer in short, take the control out of their hands and put it in the hands of the people. Companies need to stop looking to the government and bailout legislation for assistance.

„What the government Giveth It Will Surely Taketh Away“. The government gives only to receive ten fold. Banks and institutional finance are under the thumb of the Federal Reserve, a private organization keeping the citizens of this country in debt with fractional reserve lending and FDIC criteria that turns well intentioned banks into armed henchmen.

The only way to step out and take control of our economic fate is to step out of the institutional mainstream and all things associated with the traditional ’system‘. The best way a company can do this is by going public. Taking your company public allows you to take control of your financial destiny and take advantage of the OTCBB (Over The Counter Bulletin Board), London Exchange and Frankfurt Exchange. The NASDAQ and NYSE are great but flawed by institutional over involvement.

Align yourself with globalization consultants that can take our mid size regional company and transform it into a well oiled, economically viable international powerhouse. Going public can offer you the financial means to eliminate the fragility that automatically transcends into your business model when held hostage to the institutional mainstream. You have a great product or service, you have customers, go public and then go global. Nothing is holding you back from there. Your future is bright! Now get out there and make it happen.

Want to find out more about Taking Your Company Public, then visit Belvedere Global Strategies Corporation’s site on how to choose between a Reverse Merger or S1 Filing for the best results

categories: Taking Your Company Public,Reverse Merger,S1 Filing,Belvedere Global Strategies Corporation,James Scott,direct filing,s1 registration,taking a company public,take your company public

Take Your Company Public – „The Princeton Effect“ – The Most Powerful Economic Movement In 100 Years

For decades economic realities have been placed under a black veil of secrecy with its truths and lies known only to the institutional banking elite and we the public just stand like an ocean of monkeys. The system was never exposed, insiders never spoke out.

Yes, this industry has been nothing but lies and chaos, that is, until about 8 years ago. A small consulting firm called Princeton Corporate Solutions began to take this insider knowledge and make it available through very public articles and blogs. The blog on their website is one of the premier global economics and IPO blog stops on every economist’s pilgrimage to seeking and using investment banking, global commerce and IPO knowledge written by the hands of the masters.

The PCS blog does something that no other financial blog in the world does, they take away the technical jargon and in plain English, patiently and painstakingly take the reader by the hand and show them how something like having a personal bank account with a top tier institutional lender can be adding debt to your children’s tax liability 20 years from now.

They talk about the ‚unspoken‘ truths of how if a country wants to hurt another country that is not cooperating with insiders, then the insiders want to impose economic sanctions on these decanters and inflict pain by damaging trade relations, threatening IMF intervention or liquidating currency holding to further damage the company who’s not playing by the rules of the establishment. Taking the military into a country is more for statement than anything as economic sanctions are the most powerful tool of war without lifting a single gun and the goal is to get the citizens of the country fed up and wound up so that they force internal changes within their borders to get those sanctions lifted but this rarely happens. The economy will eventually weaken and big business will step in with fists full of Uncle Sam’s money and start introducing the locals to the finer things in life, the luxuries that they could have but their president doesn’t want them to have them etc.

The exposing of how institutional insiders and politicians toy with the system is now termed ‚The Princeton Affect‘ named after Princeton Corporate Solutions. „I think it’s a Wall Street Thing“ says James Scott, CEO of PCS, „I just got so sick of hearing the lies on TV and having all the zombies at home watching and believing all this garbage. All we are trying to do is help the little guy understand what he is truly up against when trying to run the company in this economy.“

Global economics affects everyone with a pulse on the planet yet so few people understand it, ‚The Princeton Affect‘ is the crystallization and simplifying technical economic issues in a way for the common man to increase knowledge and understanding on how to best protect oneself and grow during this difficult time as a business owner or C level executive.

Want to find out more about the Number One Financial blog on internet?, then Brad Heatherington suggests this site on how to choose the best Globalization Consultants for your needs.

Strategic Partnerships Will Help Get Angel Investors And VC’s To Invest In A Company

When an investor is looking at your business they are obviously looking for the basics: an executive team that has worked with other companies in your industry at the exact stage you are at now with a solid track record of success, an active advisory board that is eager to help and has a solid comprehension of your industry, a board of directors that acts as your company’s strategic think tank and action center where the tough issues get dealt with and questions get answered. Investors also want to see that you are in a growth industry and that all involved have the discipline to step out of the emotional ups and downs of a start up or company seeking capital and look at the business objectively.

All this said, the one aspect to creating a salivating group of investors is your massive and powerful strategic partner database. These partners are able to enhance your company is ways of distribution, sales, contracts, legal, tax etc. The partners that you team up with are often build off of and initiated by the rapport of your executive staff, board of advisers and board of directors. Your corporate attorney and accountant should also contribute heavily to helping you build strategic alliances with like minded companies in their client base. These companies that you are teaming up with allow for rapid expansion and optimal eye candy for people that are interested in placing capital with your company. Having some big names in your corner with the label ’strategic partner‘ just sweetens the pot. Companies thrive and dive on relationships.

If you are considering raising capital with a Regulation D exemption like 504, 505 or 506 (also referred to as a Private Placement Memorandum) chances are, your company will be funded by angel investors, private investors and other private equity money sources. Having a powerful partnership base is like adding a blanket and warm milk to your business plan and PPM when handing if off to the investor, it’s soothing and comforting to see that you’re not alone but you have some big names helping you on the road to success.

Are you thinking about taking your business public? The same thing goes. The public wants to see that you are in bed with big names who can step in and help your company out of a tight spot and that you can co-op advertisements and promotional campaigns together.

Raising capital is easier when you are moving forward with establish partnerships to ease the weight of the load and stress that comes with a growing company.

Want to find out more about Taking Your Company Public, then visit Belvedere Global Strategies Corporation’s site on how to choose between a Reverse Merger or S1 Filing for the best results

categories: Taking Your Company Public,Reverse Merger,S1 Filing,Belvedere Global Strategies Corporation,James Scott,direct filing,s1 registration,taking a company public,take your company public

Take Your Company Public: Is Business A Form Of War?

So is business a form of warfare? If it is who are the pawns and who are the kings? Let’s look at the facts and past the 1980s clichs that chant: Greed Is Good and Business Is War as those chanting these phrases are often on the sidelines and not gifted enough to be on the field and playing and have no choice but to live vicariously through those they are jealously watching.

Everyone wants to be a player but in this industry you need a lot more than drive you need connections and capability. By connections I mean global political, global corporate, international finance and more. By capability I mean nerves of steel, the ability to bath in acid and swim with sharks and eat class for breakfast. This is one of the most stressful industries I know of with a burnout rate that is off the charts and any other global consultant that I know has struggled with their demons to stay on the top of their game. Business, by all categorical definition is War.

There are winners, losers, economies rise and economies crumble all because of global commerce. Global commerce as you know is control over the masses by an elite few. The elite are not the government officials as they themselves are pawns in a much larger game that even they don’t understand. Commerce and finance are numbers on a computer screen and fractional reserve lending, the IMF and other organizations at the end of marionette strings to impose the will of the elite on the global populace.

War in the form of economics is ongoing whereas war with guns and the military is to make a statement. Economic warfare is trade sanctions and limiting technology that will enable a developing nation to grow which will disable their industrial capabilities so that instead of a thriving economy they are dependent on the involvement by industrialized nations. With the Bretton Woods Convention in 1944 and the reconstruction of Europe and the doing away with the gold standard the above mentioned Numbers On A Screen are dictated by who holds the most economic collateral to enforce their idea of numbers.

This group of elites has the economic and military power to impose its will and enforce the idea that the numbers that they place on that screen are etched in stone and if those numbers demonstrate a Loan to a developing nation, though no actual empirical capital has been transferred, that developing nation now becomes a willing pawn in the overall game of economic warfare. So there you have it, business is indeed a form of warfare. This industry of global finance serves as the royal court while those around us are forced to play by the rules we invent and enforce.

I’m not saying that this is a good thing, I’m not exactly proud to be part of the problem but this is the awkward reality. I know you’re waiting for a happy ending or an idea that will help create a solution but I don’t have one.

When my firm is brought in as a strategist and alliance facilitator for global rollups, acquisitions, mergers and IPOs we try to create as many jobs as possible but let me ask you, by creating more jobs are we just perpetuating the problem of the masses being controlled by the few?

Taking Your Company Public? Get The Facts At the Top Financial Blog , call Princeton Corporate Solutions at 267-233-0183 or Call Us To Take Your Company Public the easy way!

Take My Company Public – Reverse Merger Transaction – OTCBB

Take Your Company Public: Beware of Scams! Many entrepreneurs dream of taking their company public and expanding their venture into an international enterprise that begins to hemorrhage investment capital and profits from the get-go but then reality sets in as one begins to navigate the dingy, shark infested waters of the ‚go public‘ market place.

There are consultants and boiler room penny stock misfits just waiting for you to stumble onto their site and in only a few minutes on the phone you’re reeled in and signing contracts and making wire transfers and equity disbursements and at the end of the grueling 3 to 6 month process, you’re broke, your company is in shambles and you just stand their staring off into space feeling like the boogie-man just slapped you around. Welcome to an industry where the weak are preyed upon like wolves on an injured lamb tangled in a fence.

If you are serious about going public there are some structures to stay away from because 99.9% of the time they fail. Pink Sheets and Reverse Mergers into a public shell are two formations to be very weary of. Pink Sheets are almost a completely unregulated trading platform and known by any savvy investor as the ‚red light district‘ of the public trading industry. Pump ‚em and dump ‚em is the name of the game with Pink Sheets. Stock Price manipulation is as common with pink sheets as gross stench is to 5 day old road kill on a desert highway. If you are going to get involved with Pink Sheets find an attorney or consultant that can guide you around the scam artists, it’s difficult to make in on the Pinks but I have heard of a few companies making it.

The next cesspool in the trading industry is ultra popular (for newbie’s) and the number one ‚big mistake‘ made by countless ‚go public‘ rookies, the reverse merger into a public shell ouch! It even hurts to say it. I get calls on a daily basis from business owners who thought they were getting droppings of manna from heaven when a consultant suggested that they save $100,000’s and months of work by simply buying a public shell and merging their entity with it and abracadabra you’re big time and public and making millions. Sadly the reality is that this poor sap just spent $200k on an entity with liens and 15% equity distributed to a group of investors who pumped up the stock and dumped it before the ink on the contracts was dry. Now his dreams are shattered, he’s broke; his company will get stripped down and sold off in pieces like an unlocked car in the ghetto.

It’s sad when I see the same scams perpetrated on the uninformed over and over again. If you are trying to raise capital, find a consultant, objective broker dealer or attorney who will listen to your needs and before doing anything will give you the good and bad news about the various options. Taking your company public can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your career. You can purchase other companies with stock. You can use stock as collateral for quick loans to support growth. You can reward employees with shares in the company for meeting certain objectives. Go public, fulfill your dreams just use caution as you proceed.

Looking to Grow Your Company? , find out how to Structure Your Company and Grow Fast With an IPO

categories: Taking Your Company Public,Reverse Merger,S1 Filing,Belvedere Global Strategies Corporation,James Scott,direct filing,s1 registration,taking a company public,take your company public