Schlagwort-Archive: taking your company public

Taking Your Company Public, M and A Consultants, Corporate Strategies Consultants: Remember Leadership

Companies that lack growth are typically missing the element of leadership. Egotistical CEO’s that disrespect their staff and lack the necessary communication to yield productivity is usually the wrong person to back during an IPO or globalization initiative because without the cooperation of those in the trenches, the process becomes dysfunctional and all efforts are in vain. An individual in a senior executive position needs the dedication and emotional fuel that comes with a staff that backs his efforts.

The ‚C‘ level executive needs uncompromising character (make a promise and break it one time and it’s over, your staff will never trust you again) and a strong work ethic but another aspect that shouldn’t be ignored is the visual presence of a CEO with a powerful and elite advisory behind him assisting him in optimizing his strategic and tactical maneuvers to get from point ‚A‘ to point ‚B‘ in an expedited and streamlined manner.

Publicity assimilation needs to be issued in a way that feeds information to those who need it in a passive manner without stuffing it down the throats of junior staff members in a way that displays force-feeding or excessive action stemming from the ego of management. Treating support staff and sales agents as subservient of a lesser god and intellect will eliminate your ability to flow forward as one, singular cohesive unit which is a mandatory prerequisite to globalization, IPO’s and M & A.

Leaders can only function if they have a dedicated following. Verbal communication, keeping your staff in the know, having trusted informants on the floor and real mutual respect will give your roots depth and strengthen your position as a director. Your word needs to be golden with your staff and must supersede any advisory by board members, VP’s or political advisory. Those who insist on pressing the issues that diminish your integrity need to be dealt with immediately and typically termination of their position is the only way to set a precedent that is demonstrative of consistency (obviously, if you are in a difficult situation and the survival of the company is at stake or you are paying people to deliver the bad news, these things need to be taken into consideration before a termination is facilitated).

Leadership, influence, strategy and consistency are the arteries which will pump blood through the body of the company which delivers life and vitality to a corporation that is in the process of international expansion, mergers, acquisitions and the almighty IPO. The CEO’s job will be challenged with obstacles which will test the above but dedication to principle with an eye toward the end result will be the lantern that guides him through the chaos of the process.

Experience the power of absolute Corporate Globalization with optimal capitalization, check out the blog that the industry’s Mergers and Acquisitions Consultants and IPO Consultants study for the latest in economic strategy and tactical command. Experience the Power of Princeton Corporate Solutions Inc.

How To Go Public: Good Luck, You’re Going To Need It

Taking a company public has multiple intricacies. I get calls and emails daily from people who want a quote for taking their company public and I respond the same way each time, „No Thanks and good luck, you’re going to need it if this is how you’re approaching the process of going public“. Business owners who are seeking a ‚competitive quote‘ from a consultant to take them public are asking for trouble and just begging to attract the wolves. Its shocking how many startup consultants are crouched over in darkened alleyways waiting to pounce on unsuspecting entrepreneurs and take their money and deliver absolutely nothing.

If you want to find a consultant worth their weight in salt you need to take the approach of general evaluation using targeted questions to find out if they are truly qualified to take your company to the next level. First and most basic, ask them if they are offering a turn-key public offering service, meaning do they participate in everything from soup to nuts including but not limited to: S1 filing and comments completion for SEC approval and market maker designation and 15c211 filing with FINRA to obtain symbol.

Think of this as the stuffing between the OREO cookies. Now you need to qualify them for their pre public and post public solutions. Pre public you need to make sure they will assist you with corporate structuring, expansion strategies, board of adviser selection, board of director election, executive pedigree evaluation for a public company, corporate and executive publicity generation using traditional means of radio and TV expert panel participation and viral publicity branding.

Your post public strategy is crucial and should be set in motion pre public so that you can hit the public market full throttle from the onset of your public offering. Post public strategies should entail a vast and in-depth investor relations strategy using stock alerts, press releases, promotion to market makers and other advisers, TV and radio interviews, article publishing and growth through acquisition just to name a few strategies.

You shouldn’t come out of the gate and lead the consultant to answer with the above information but target your questions so that they are general enough so that the consultant gives you their pre customized, boilerplate template strategy.

Going public can be extremely rewarding if done properly. Don’t try to do this on your own. Find qualified professionals to take you through the process in a structured and orderly manner.

Stop wasting your valuable time. Find out How To Take Your Company Public, visit Belvedere Global Strategies Corporation’s site on how to choose between a Reverse Merger, S1 Filing or Incubator Program that best fits your needs

Educate Your Child Or Watch Them Crumble: The Sad Future of Global Economic Strategies

In life, real life (not this politically correct utopia brainwash content they are force-feeding our children with in school to cripple their minds) is truly, absolutely survival of the fittest. Make no mistake intellectual battle lines are drawn and at the end of the day there are two educations a child gets today: School and Home.

At school children are taught that if they play along with the group, all is well, they’ll get good grades and if they say no to drugs, fall on bended knee before the teachers they will make it. A child’s education at home must be about applications, strategy and considering the public education game a playground. Understand that when you send your child to school they are submerged in a ‚follow the leader‘ subculture that goes like this: go to class, study, ready, test well and put your napkin on your lap at lunch get into college and get that piece of paper that convinces intellectual halfwits that you’re qualified for that $30k paper pusher job, fall in line with the student loan suffocation mechanism to allow the government to take their piece of the action and you’ll be fine.

As parents, we need to have a strong, updated comprehension of this because we place our children in a position where they are tied down and force-fed by self proclaimed intellectual scholars yet the reality is they teach because they cannot do (yes I know I’ve said this before but keep reading). Those who can apply the tactics taught in school go from tactician to strategist. A strategist is able to apply the tactics studied in university class rooms to their current and immediate environment, ‚teachers‘ also referred to as ‚tacticians‘ cannot.

Train your children in the Machiavellian ways that have been demonized by those who are afraid to lose control but mastered by those in control. Throughout elementary and high school training it is your job as a parent to show your child how to apply what they are learning in school as the instructor as their educational facility is unable to do this as they are a tactician not a strategist. Strategists own the companies that tacticians work for. Strategists are on the board of companies and have C level executive stations while hiring and firing an ongoing ocean of tacticians. How can you tell if you’re child’s teacher is a tactician as opposed to an educator with the full package? They treat the halfwit concepts of the new ‚political correctness‘ as if they were laws passed down from Mount Olympus and constantly use backwards, mean nothing terminology such as hyphenated ethnicities which is nothing more than one additional strategy used by the powers that be to separate the citizens of this nation even more in turn securing more of a strangle hold on the minds of our youth, they take a kumbaya approach to communication with a ‚there is no wrong answer‘ process to confusing the balance of a soft maturing mind, they’ll teach about Victoria, self proclaimed Queen of a so-called ‚United‘ Kingdom with no mention of the ongoing British attempts to infiltrate this country with chaos missions during the civil war, the war of 1812, multiple invasions from Canada early in the history of our Nation and ongoing via economics and our current legislative and trade system.

Its war and we are battling for the minds of our children in order to keep them from entering into the zone of the mindless drone. They will brainwash your child all day in school, instead of handing your child over to more negative influences by allowing them to sit in front of the idiot box for four hours per night, give them books to read like the Art of War, The Prince and other books that will train them to assimilate this lame public/private school education into practical, strategic concepts that will set them apart, above and beyond their peers.

Find out how to globalize your business or You’re your Company Public , Find out how to Structure Your Company to grow fast and raise capital

Advantages And Disadvantages To Going Public – S1 Filings – Corporate Expansion

Companies decide to go public for many different reasons: expansion, need for capital, exit strategy, acquisition facilitation, globalization etc. But what are the real advantages to going public? First, let’s go over the disadvantages. Your life becomes an open book and as an executive your spending habits and failures will be a matter of public information with your annual and quarterly filings.

You’ll be accountable to shareholders. You’ll have a board whose main interest is the company and the shareholders no you or your need for a new luxury car, financial bonus or need for a quick loan from the company that was once possible and easy when your company was a sole proprietor entity. You need trading volume and without it your stock is worthless and your company becomes a blind, deaf, mute, quadriplegic (a bit extreme but you get the point).

The advantages are numerous if your company is ready for the public realm. With a solid trading volume, minimal dilution of stock, solid executive management, an active board of directors, powerful strategic alliances and the ongoing advisory of a strategies consultant your company can expand globally, identify and grow through acquisition and subsidiary mergers, purchase entities and services with stock to retain cash flow.

Banks and other institutional lenders will make more funding solutions available. Your exit strategy is built in and turn-key.

The most successful public companies have a few common themes built into their infrastructure. They have recruited a proven and tested CEO, CFO and COO with professional pedigrees and track records that are recognized in the industry and media and will bring with them a strong following of partners and solution mechanisms that will typically yield instantaneous, empirical results on behalf of the company. The board of directors is restructured so that major industry enhancing components are represented such as industry niche legal, financial, distribution, domestic and international. Each of these board members will put their contact portfolio to work for your company for immediate and long term growth and stabilization. One other aspect that all prosperous public entities have is a strategies consultant that keeps everything in line. This individual is also what is referred to as a ‚fixer‘.

This professional will typically stand in the background constantly analyzing every aspect of the company for weak points and correct them. Whether it be a lazy board member, potential acquisition, CEO not pulling his/her weight, potential legal issues etc., this strategist has a keen eye and typically a massive contact base that, when put into place can correct virtually any situation quickly and seamlessly.

Going public is a great strategy for the right organization. Having all your ducks in a row pre and post public is the key to a successful offering and public markets longevity.

Find out how to globalize your business or You’re your Company Public , Find out how to Structure Your Company to grow fast and raise capital

IPO Consultant – Globalization Strategist – Taking Companies Public

It’s outside the nature of the strong willed, motivated IPO consultant, global strategist or structuring consultant to give up and through in the towel but sometimes failure is the only option. When you deal with a company, which will represent most of your clientele, that will follow instructions to get from point A to point B you can help them succeed promptly with little resistance and you can optimize their position with relevant ease if you are truly qualified for the contract that you’ve taken on.

But when you step into an organization that at first is motivated and then because hesitant and fights you on the aspects of your solutions that will help them but they need in depth descriptions and conference calls in order to move on one minute detail of the strategy it’s time to step away. Benchmark your fees so you don’t have to negotiate a refund.

Get a small retainer and set up the remaining fees that are bench marked, success first, then payment. This way the worst that could happen is that the company get’s free services and you walk away leaving the company better off than when you started and they have no angle in which to speak maliciously about you.

If you have a client that brings you on and then fights you for change there is a deeper rooted issue at play. There are psychological elements of insecurity, inferiority, partner disputes, undisclosed debt and other things that are outside of your control so don’t take giving up as failure. Sometimes stepping away is best for the company but only if your billing cycle is as described.

It’s important to leave the company better than it was before your were contracted. Your job as a consultant is about creating value and sometimes creating value is limiting your ability for personal capitalization.

Take it on the chin and move on. There is no shortage of assignments for good consultants in this desolate economic climate.

Want to find out more about Taking Your Company Public, then visit Belvedere Global Strategies Corporation’s site on how to choose between a Reverse Merger or S1 Filing for the best results

The Art of Executive Interrogation: How To Hire The Right Executive Every Time

If you are taking your company public, expanding your corporation, doing in house cleanup to get rid of dead weight or just filling a C level or VP level position at your company your hiring method should be clear, concise and strategic. You need to take into consideration every intricacy that the individual being interviewed has to be exposed. You need to pay attention to what is said, not said, gestures, verbal intonations and the overall presence of the individual. Here are a few things to take into consideration when hiring an executive. These are elements outside of the resume.

First look at the obvious. Evaluate the overall attire of the individual pay attention to his suit, dress shirt, tie and dress shoes and even the shoe laces. Are his suit, shirt and tie crisp, conservative and pressed? Are his shoes shined, scuff free and are his shoe laces in good condition? When he crosses his legs and his socks are exposed what is the condition of his socks? These things may seem artificial, pretentious and pointless but keep in mind, you are hiring the appearance of the individual as well and most times the clothing condition and selection tell us a lot about the subconscious activity and mindset of the individual. Do they pay close attention to detail? Do they have a clean presence? These things are ‚tells‘ every time the executive stands before a client or panel.

Next the interview, obviously you’ve gone over their resume and checked references before you even bring them in for a serious interview so let’s go past the general inquires that go along with an executive interview. You need to evaluate their intellectual and emotional fitness by getting right to the point. How much do they know about your company? Finding out how much they’ve researched the company will demonstrate their level of motivation in becoming part of the team with a focus on contribution. The strongest candidate will come into an interview ready to define their role and express the realities of what they bring to the table in the form of contacts and intellectual capital.

Ask them, in their own words, from their own research, where they see the company in 5 years with them in a leadership position. Ask them to give an example of 5 to 10 strategic alliances they have planned for the company and what that will contribute to the bottom line of the company. What expansion experience do they have? Ask them what makes a company in your position better or worse for being public or private and have them elaborate. Ask them to critique the top executives of the company and how they would reorganize the company if they had their way. Get past the artificial nature of educational pedigree and ask them about their professional pedigree and how it has prepared them to join your corporate team.

Now during this process pay close attention to their physical gestures and take notes. As you’re asking them questions look for their subconscious movements that they are using to communicate. Look for gestures that demonstrate confidence, arrogance, insecurity. Are they sitting back in their chair when they are talking (if so they are too comfortable, a qualified executive will be sitting up straight without letting his back rest on the chair, you on the other hand should be relaxed and sitting back). Are their legs crossed? Are they using their hands? Is their forehead crinkled or calm? Are they making use of a strong vocabulary that can strengthen their presentation etc?

Hiring the proper executive for a specific role in the company can be challenging but using the process above to help weed through the poor candidates will help you in securing the perfect candidate.

Want to find out more about Taking Your Company Public, then visit Belvedere Global Strategies Corporation’s site on how to choose between a Reverse Merger or S1 Filing for the best results

How To Take A Company Public – Master Franchise

Many companies have a unique service or product but either lacks the capital or know-how to go public. Going public slams open the doors to massive global capital possibilities and massive partnering and strategic growth capabilities. A financially broke company should never try to go public to raise money to stay afloat as you’ll only attract the fee based predatory consultants who make their money on individual fee oriented services without the ability to bring it all together in a turn-key solution so in the end there is no accountability.

The prototypical company that will succeed in going public is either a profitable and mature company or a start-up with contracts in place for capitalization and patented and/or proprietary technology or systems that give it a massive edge over competitors. The decision to go public should be based in the desire for rapid growth and capitalization. The qualities of a company that will succeed on the public forum is one with a solid executive staff, experienced board of directors and a service that is recession proof (Yeah I know, what business is recession proof?), and finished with the actual developmental stage with a solid product or service and identified partners and distribution sources.

If you realistically have a chance at going and staying public you’ll attract consulting firms and/or broker dealers and market makers and many times law firms that focus on taking companies public in return for minor upfront fees and a solid equity position. Be careful not to sign on with a company that does not offer a ‚one stop shop‘ or turn-key solutions which includes everything if you are going to be paying an upfront fee and equity. Many solid firms will ask for both fee and equity compensation and it’s worth it if they are truly capable of delivering a full range of services.

You should have a polite yet rigorous interview process with the firm before signing on. The ideal situation for a company going public is to partner with a consulting firm or broker dealer who offers absolutely everything you will need to succeed in the pre-IPO and post-IPO market. Expect to pay a fee for corporate structuring, business plan, private placement memorandum and Direct Public Offering to the firms database of investors (if they do not offer an introduction service to investors you should not take them seriously as a full service consulting firm as they are only offering you a sandwich without the bread).

Parts that a consulting firm will partner on if they can truly take your company public from A to Z is the initial Direct Public Offering to an in house group of investors who will invest the capital needed to pay for the audit (though many times this will have to come out of your pocket even if you team of with the best firms in the business), S1 filing and comments, SEC and FINRA approval and ultimately to the point where a market maker or broker dealer is selling your securities to the public. Sometimes it’s good to just hire a company that is strictly fee based for your ‚going public‘ ambitions but be prepared to pay hefty fees. If you are a solid corporation with a realistic chance at going public, you’ll be able to tell by the tone that consulting firms have with you when you engage them in the initial phone consultation. If you’re ready to go public, a proper consultant will be able to identify your position in the market place to fill in the blanks.

Learn more about Taking Your Company Public. Find out how to Raise Capital Fast by taking your company public

Global Expansion – Taking Your Company Public – Real Globalizatoin Strategies

Listen carefully because this is the truth that no one wants you to know. Whether you’re a public or private company, expansion should always be at the forefront of your mind. The key to domestic and international expansion is strategic partnerships and publicity. The element of each of these mandatory prerequisites is the almighty contact, nothing happens without them. There is nothing like making a call, giving a quick pitch to a friend and helping them see the light and discovering miraculously that your company is the answer to their market demand, there you go, that’s your first strategic alliance, the first of many.

Facilitating the most effective expansion strategies will typically find success with the consultant with the most contacts. Don’t try to do this yourself; if you had the contacts needed for this process you’d have used them by now, no offense.

Bring in someone fresh. Bring in a strategies consultant that deals globally on a daily basis with industries in all spheres including public, private and governmental, east and west. The economic power a company can achieve with just a month or two of services from a true strategies consultant can completely transform your existing and future entity’s existence.

Imagine the power in massive globalization and introductions to powerful CEOs, COOs and CFOs and shareholders and other decision makers in industries that are inter-reliant and just click.

A strategies consultant or consulting firm can give you in a month what your sales force couldn’t give you in a year, expedient and grand expansion in all geographic localities at a fraction of the cost.

Think about it! The same way special interest groups use lobbyists, you can use a strategies firm. Its how all the big guys are doing it. Sometimes the smallest moves make all the difference.

FREE Download of the Ground Breaking eBook Taking A Company Public, to find out how to take our company public, structure a company, globalize your concept and much more. Click here to get Free Pre IPO Investor Alerts

Taking Your Business Public, World Power: Are The Governmental Elite Gods or Monsters?

The undertaking of a corporate start-up is as American as apple pie and denim jeans. Start-ups come and go like the tide but for a very small, in the know group of beneficiaries; they can attribute their successes to a group of five power-brokers that are responsible for some of the most earth shattering mergers, political movements and corporate turnarounds in modern economic history.

These specialists offer the upper echelon solutions and bedlam tactics that can disrupt entire economies, influence legislation and make hand puppets of any lobby or special interest group of their choosing. The weight that they bring to pull off such crushing power plays is a track record of secretive and innovative strategies of crisis management via chaos induction, contacts that elevate beyond presidential to the global economic and institutional movers and shakers that influence everything we do. Call them the Illuminati or call them our saviors, one thing that can’t be denied is the obscene intellectual level and macro effect that they wield like psychological hand grenades.

One of the youngest in this ensemble of globalization demigods is James Scott with a small, virtually invisible boutique consulting firm called Princeton Corporate Solutions. With a client roster populated by past and present presidents, Kings, Queens, global governmental elites and corporations that shape our future economy his skill set is both extremely diverse and all together confusing; that is unless you can see the bigger picture of what it takes to spin scheming webs in the ears of those who you and I perceive as the controllers who are, in reality controlled by this minute group of chaos strategist.

What I’ve seen is both spooky and shocking. The eclectic combination of political and economic strategies and blanketing influence in the arsenal of James Scott would lead one to think of all the conspiracies of on the web and Saturday morning secret society episodes on the SiFi channel. Could it be true that the world is actually controlled by a handful of men sitting in a room in Switzerland playing with us like gods and overlords calculating our every move and setting up roadblocks to guide us like sheep to the slaughter? When I think of James Scott and his small group of colleagues and power-brokers I am both in awe and disgust. Being a 34 year old with no traceable background (actually no one even knows what country this guy is even from, rumor has it he’s German but grew up in the United States) or political/corporate mentors for this rapid assimilation into the who’s who in international econo-political elite, I am beginning to believe that reptilians control our planet (obviously, that’s a joke, but how does someone come out of nowhere and become one of the most commanding strategist on the face of the planet with the contacts to overturn legislation and actual governmental elections not to mention taking a company that has never been on the map and making them the face to an industry like he’s done so many times.

And after the awe comes the anger and frustration when I think about the question of ‚how much money and power does a person need to be content and from where this twisted and almost sickening obsession with power and influence stem from?‘ When you acknowledge the reality that there are invisible hands that dictate the positioning of political movements and economic chaos, success and failure and all the in-between it is a combination of liberating and all together frustrating. Strangely liberating in the sense that one is led to feel as if the weight of the actual ability to influence is taken off one’s shoulders as the ultimately have no real effect or say in the fate of their future while this is frustrating because it is human nature to feel the need to control the environment around them. I have studied this man, his company and the organizations that he works with and again am angered by the obscene control that one man can have over an international population. I am constantly steaming with emotional rage when I research these back room, closed door meetings where in an hour an agenda is set that will affect my children’s future, my life and the lives of those around me. What gives them the right? How does this happen where we lose control so fast with no fight from the public?

Part of me wants to give up and throw in the towel, the other part of me longs to be part of this illuminated assemblage of those who have stepped up to take control and bring a structure that unites the political and economic elite in today’s ever changing domain. So many times I’ve found myself sitting down to put together an article exposing this Illuminati group as puppet masters, evil doers and all together self-appointed gods of men but when this emotion driven ‚cause‘ is interrupted with the reality that these men are the oversight for out of control, power hungry political groups and econo-corporate monopoly junkies I can’t pick a position to guide the tone of the article.

We are angered by the power and influence that these men have over us but seriously, where would we be without them? Where would our economy be without men to step in with the instant legislative control to keep economies moving or to keep one particular political organization from turning our country into a principality controlled by a dictator? At the end of the day I think my real desire is to be part of the process and to be the overseer of the overseers and it all comes down to ‚control‘. Isn’t that really what you want? This article will be the first of many as I am able to accumulate more documentation and facts on these organizations that tower over us from on high. Stay tuned…

Want to find out more about Illuminati, you can also find out more at here as my research uncovers more information we will continue to make up pubic.

Taking Your Company Public? Check Out What Real Presence Looks Like

From one blog maniac to another, I feel that blogging gives us all an opportunity to express our opinions, good and bad, off the cuff and to the masses. I remember getting bad service in a Subway sandwich shop with my family, I sent out a twitter to my group and in 24 hours I received a personal apology from the franchise owner and the corporate office with a hefty supply of free food vouchers that literally lasted us a year. It’s nice to know that we are able to keep companies in check using social media.

That said, we should use these mediums to put out praise as well. I just left an NJIT (New Jersey Institute of Technology) conference for their incubator program where the latest and greatest in technology and biotech got to pitch their companies to angel investors and private equity firms. There were some pretty reputable companies their and investors that could pay off the deficit of a small country with their signature on a check. I was there looking at a company with a unique EKG technology that will revolutionize emergency rooms everywhere but that will be in another blog if we cut a deal; back to the conference.

We’re sitting in a room packed shoulder to should, no seats available just standing room by the door then a guy comes in, walks into the seating section (people waited in line for an hour for those seats) with his assistant, the people in their seat looked at him, he looked back and they moved and offered him their seats, then two minutes later, one of the owners of a pretty large hedge fund brings him coffee. Um, can you say strange?

As it turns out, this was James Scott the CEO of Princeton Corporate Solutions, absolutely the creme de la creme of international strategies and IPOs. The reason everyone was kissing his backside was because he was there to pick a company to spearhead legislation for his political clients. Their firm is unique as part of their process is to find promising but underdeveloped companies and blast them into super-stardom with capital, structuring and organization and IPO and getting his clients built directly into legislation, bills that are in the process of raising votes and awareness to be passed as laws and regulations. He can make or break a company, hedge fund or politician over his knee like a twig. He was the personification of power. His presence made the room vibrate with his influence. I couldn’t take my eyes off him. It was pretty awkward as we were all staring at him whispering.

20 minutes before the conference was over he got up and left, I guess he didn’t find anything he liked but the funny thing is, half of the players in the room got up to chase him down the hall to initiate contact. It was nice to see that the people that everyone was trying to sell and impress still have to do some butt kissing of their own to keep climbing the circles of influence within their industry.

Looking for more info on NJIT, or PCS