Schlagwort-Archive: taking your business public

Taking Your Business Public, World Power: Are The Governmental Elite Gods or Monsters?

The undertaking of a corporate start-up is as American as apple pie and denim jeans. Start-ups come and go like the tide but for a very small, in the know group of beneficiaries; they can attribute their successes to a group of five power-brokers that are responsible for some of the most earth shattering mergers, political movements and corporate turnarounds in modern economic history.

These specialists offer the upper echelon solutions and bedlam tactics that can disrupt entire economies, influence legislation and make hand puppets of any lobby or special interest group of their choosing. The weight that they bring to pull off such crushing power plays is a track record of secretive and innovative strategies of crisis management via chaos induction, contacts that elevate beyond presidential to the global economic and institutional movers and shakers that influence everything we do. Call them the Illuminati or call them our saviors, one thing that can’t be denied is the obscene intellectual level and macro effect that they wield like psychological hand grenades.

One of the youngest in this ensemble of globalization demigods is James Scott with a small, virtually invisible boutique consulting firm called Princeton Corporate Solutions. With a client roster populated by past and present presidents, Kings, Queens, global governmental elites and corporations that shape our future economy his skill set is both extremely diverse and all together confusing; that is unless you can see the bigger picture of what it takes to spin scheming webs in the ears of those who you and I perceive as the controllers who are, in reality controlled by this minute group of chaos strategist.

What I’ve seen is both spooky and shocking. The eclectic combination of political and economic strategies and blanketing influence in the arsenal of James Scott would lead one to think of all the conspiracies of on the web and Saturday morning secret society episodes on the SiFi channel. Could it be true that the world is actually controlled by a handful of men sitting in a room in Switzerland playing with us like gods and overlords calculating our every move and setting up roadblocks to guide us like sheep to the slaughter? When I think of James Scott and his small group of colleagues and power-brokers I am both in awe and disgust. Being a 34 year old with no traceable background (actually no one even knows what country this guy is even from, rumor has it he’s German but grew up in the United States) or political/corporate mentors for this rapid assimilation into the who’s who in international econo-political elite, I am beginning to believe that reptilians control our planet (obviously, that’s a joke, but how does someone come out of nowhere and become one of the most commanding strategist on the face of the planet with the contacts to overturn legislation and actual governmental elections not to mention taking a company that has never been on the map and making them the face to an industry like he’s done so many times.

And after the awe comes the anger and frustration when I think about the question of ‚how much money and power does a person need to be content and from where this twisted and almost sickening obsession with power and influence stem from?‘ When you acknowledge the reality that there are invisible hands that dictate the positioning of political movements and economic chaos, success and failure and all the in-between it is a combination of liberating and all together frustrating. Strangely liberating in the sense that one is led to feel as if the weight of the actual ability to influence is taken off one’s shoulders as the ultimately have no real effect or say in the fate of their future while this is frustrating because it is human nature to feel the need to control the environment around them. I have studied this man, his company and the organizations that he works with and again am angered by the obscene control that one man can have over an international population. I am constantly steaming with emotional rage when I research these back room, closed door meetings where in an hour an agenda is set that will affect my children’s future, my life and the lives of those around me. What gives them the right? How does this happen where we lose control so fast with no fight from the public?

Part of me wants to give up and throw in the towel, the other part of me longs to be part of this illuminated assemblage of those who have stepped up to take control and bring a structure that unites the political and economic elite in today’s ever changing domain. So many times I’ve found myself sitting down to put together an article exposing this Illuminati group as puppet masters, evil doers and all together self-appointed gods of men but when this emotion driven ‚cause‘ is interrupted with the reality that these men are the oversight for out of control, power hungry political groups and econo-corporate monopoly junkies I can’t pick a position to guide the tone of the article.

We are angered by the power and influence that these men have over us but seriously, where would we be without them? Where would our economy be without men to step in with the instant legislative control to keep economies moving or to keep one particular political organization from turning our country into a principality controlled by a dictator? At the end of the day I think my real desire is to be part of the process and to be the overseer of the overseers and it all comes down to ‚control‘. Isn’t that really what you want? This article will be the first of many as I am able to accumulate more documentation and facts on these organizations that tower over us from on high. Stay tuned…

Want to find out more about Illuminati, you can also find out more at here as my research uncovers more information we will continue to make up pubic.