Schlagwort-Archive: taking my company public

Global Expansion – Taking Your Company Public – Real Globalizatoin Strategies

Listen carefully because this is the truth that no one wants you to know. Whether you’re a public or private company, expansion should always be at the forefront of your mind. The key to domestic and international expansion is strategic partnerships and publicity. The element of each of these mandatory prerequisites is the almighty contact, nothing happens without them. There is nothing like making a call, giving a quick pitch to a friend and helping them see the light and discovering miraculously that your company is the answer to their market demand, there you go, that’s your first strategic alliance, the first of many.

Facilitating the most effective expansion strategies will typically find success with the consultant with the most contacts. Don’t try to do this yourself; if you had the contacts needed for this process you’d have used them by now, no offense.

Bring in someone fresh. Bring in a strategies consultant that deals globally on a daily basis with industries in all spheres including public, private and governmental, east and west. The economic power a company can achieve with just a month or two of services from a true strategies consultant can completely transform your existing and future entity’s existence.

Imagine the power in massive globalization and introductions to powerful CEOs, COOs and CFOs and shareholders and other decision makers in industries that are inter-reliant and just click.

A strategies consultant or consulting firm can give you in a month what your sales force couldn’t give you in a year, expedient and grand expansion in all geographic localities at a fraction of the cost.

Think about it! The same way special interest groups use lobbyists, you can use a strategies firm. Its how all the big guys are doing it. Sometimes the smallest moves make all the difference.

FREE Download of the Ground Breaking eBook Taking A Company Public, to find out how to take our company public, structure a company, globalize your concept and much more. Click here to get Free Pre IPO Investor Alerts

Taking My Company Public – Economic Strategies and Political Power Grabs

Corporate strategies and political strategies are similar in many ways and merge in many more as the ultimate goal is recognition for a contribution to economic growth as this is the one power tool that transcends all other contributors to power. The entity recognized for delivering on promises of jobs, capital to a targeted geography or economic certainty is the one that will gain traction regardless of current economic disaster going on around them.

To do this, to be the person that gains a following for their ability to step into a position of power and swim in shallow shark infested waters one must consider the fact that you will be attacked from all angles and your ability to eliminate the factors that are conducive to facilitating these attacks is crucial but do to so and make a massive statement is where the natural genius comes into play. Fact: the most sensitive part of the shark’s anatomy is it’s eyes, surfers and divers that can stay calm when a shark is circling before an attach will immediately go for the eyes of the shark, kick, punch and shred with the fingernails, diver’s knife, whatever they have. This is what the reader must consider when diving into a realm as competitive as obtaining the power in a general corporate or political ‚power grab‘.

Don’t waste time on areas of the competitor that won’t have a disastrous affect immediately, a punch to the tail of fin won’t do anything is a shark attach, rip out the eyes and pummel the eye sockets and even if they keep coming they’ll be blind to your position which eliminates their position as a threat.

Know your competition, study them, identify their past affiliates and find out what they were like in the past, dig up dirt but don’t address them directly as this will make it too clear as to where the negative press is coming from, instead use a cat’s paw, third party to deliver the bad news. This third party should be completely none affiliated with you or your company and the information should be issued to them by a non affiliated messenger.

Find out where they sensitive points on the ‚mark‘ reside. Is it voting record? Pump and Dump schemes with other public companies? Is it a politician without a pedigree making them a lap dog to the established politicians who just use them as a vote? Who are they taking campaign money from? Who has the CEO elected as CFO or CFO and is there a blatant demonstration of misjudgment etc.?

The obligatory power grab is like offering an ice cold bottle of water to a group of 100 lost trekkers in the desert, they will use every advantage and fight as dirty as they have to in order to achieve ownership of this prized item.

Don’t bring a slinky to a fist fight, bring a steel pipe, don’t go to war with paper planes and silly putty, use remote controlled drones that will be able to inflict massive damage from afar. Don’t enter into a political or power grab without the right support and names backing you or it will be disastrous.

FREE Download of the Ground Breaking eBook Taking A Company Public, to find out how to take our company public, structure a company, globalize your concept and much more. Click here to get Free Pre IPO Investor Alerts

Over The Counter Bulletin Board And Asian Expansion Power

Global consultants are all preaching the need for IPOs and eastern expansion into major Chinese markets but very few have the knowledge on exactly how to accomplish this and even less have the contacts to make such ventures happen.

In order for a company make a cross boarder expansion into a massive market like China work the consulting firm must have powerful local and federal government contracts as well as regional and local business leaders that can support the transition. Get ready to make payoffs as this is still the way developing nations operate and during an audit there are always three sets of books, one set the company shows the government for taxes, one they show to clients to earn their business and then the actual books which are only shown to insiders. Without the proper synergies in place by the consultant and the regional power-base you can forget a trouble free expansion. Consultants who are taking their clients public in the United States and then engineering international expansion and global strategic alliances are connected, in a big way to law makers on all sides as this is the only realistic way to facilitate a global expansion. I have been in this industry for 25 years and there is one company that is constantly in the news and on the tongues of global strategists for their ongoing track record for successfully taking companies public and facilitating global expansions on behalf of their clients at a speed that is simply staggering. Princeton Corporate Solutions is one of the only true global expansion strategies consulting firms. Their CEO, James Scott has established himself among US, EU and Chinese governments and regional lawmakers as an executive with the contacts to make or break a local industry in a developing/industrializing nation.

„It’s all about synergy“, Scott explains, „when taking a company public the corporate infrastructure must be in place and the professional pedigree of the ‚C‘ level executives and board of directors must be in place. After this the company can focus on inter-industry alliances and then step onto the path of going public and that path will typically start with the OTCBB if the company has ambitions to grow onto the NASDAQ“.

And as for international expansion Scott explains, „Once again, it is about synergy. We always help our clients piggyback off of the successes, distribution and alliances that we have set up for previous clients and whenever we can put another successful entity into the mix, it strengthens the position of all parties involved“.

International consulting firms agree that the one true, viable fund raising strategy is a public offing with powerful post public investor relations in place to create a market for the company and global expansion takes more than elbow grease and know how but a plethora of contacts that cover all the basis‘.

For Global Expansion Strategies try these links Wiki Power, or This Consulting Firm or contact your local Congressmen