Schlagwort-Archive: steels

Are Metal Buildings Considered ‚Green‘ Construction?

Using sustainable products during the construction process is becoming more and more desirable, as more and more people want to associate themselves with all things ‚green‘. Green construction practices may be used for office buildings, industrial buildings, retail centers or even backyard garages, storage sheds or workshops. The meaning of the terms ‚green‘ and eco-friendly may vary when referring to construction depending on the person, but most would agree that they include using materials that don’t harm the environment. This may include using materials that haven’t been taken from nature, or using processes that don’t harm the environment or using materials that are largely recycled. Many people who seek to use green building principles wouldn’t consider using metal buildings to be included in the discussion, but they certainly should be.

To many people, the image of metal is cold and dark and anything but natural. In reality, steel is one of the most recycled substances in the world, and it is this fact that vaults metal buildings into the green construction category. Steel is basically 100 percent recyclable, which means that virtually all of it can be used again and again to make new products, without having to use any new resources.

Steel that makes up a car bumper or other product is melted down and formed into the beams and other parts of metal buildings, to be put up and used for business or in someone’s backyard. And the integrity of the steel isn’t affected by continuous recycling, which means the integrity of metal buildings won’t suffer if much of the structure is made from recycled materials. Of course, the recyclable nature of steel isn’t the only way metal buildings lean toward green construction.

Many metal buildings use special coatings that increase the reflective qualities of the exterior of the structure. This helps drive heat away in the summer and reduce the need for air conditioning. This makes the whole building more energy efficient. This feature also avoids a phenomenon known as ‚urban heat island‘, which happens when a building stores heats all day, then sends it back into the air at night. This increases night time temperatures and contributes to the global warming problem. The heat distribution in metal buildings also lessens the need for heating inside the building in cooler months, which also saves on energy. And since steel isn’t wood, forests can be left alone when metal buildings are used.

Metal buildings are becoming increasingly popular among homeowners, business owners and contractors for reasons on top of the ‚green‘ aspect. Metal buildings are usually stronger and more durable than a conventional building, and they cost less to put up and maintain. Lower construction costs, maintenance costs and the fact they’ll be standing longer only adds to the eco-friendly benefits of metal buildings. If you’re putting up a new building large or small, remember the eco-friendly aspects and other benefits of metal buildings before you decide on which type you want to use.

For ease of construction and optimal strength, create custom-designed steel buildings that meet your needs.