Schlagwort-Archive: smoke photography

Smoke Photography: The Details Explained

Choosing Smoke Photography

Although smoke is only the by-product of a burning object, it is an incredible subject for your photography! With an unpredictable movement and form, smoke photography is a challenge and pleasure to capture. Because of its constant changeability, capturing smoke becomes a game of fun and skill!

The fact that the subject is not totally under your control is what makes smoke photography such a challenging job! But at the same time, the challenges posed have only fueled my creativity and love of smoke photography. Finding subjects that fit the smoke pattern or trying to come up with a smoke pattern that matches the subject that you already have is a fascinating challenge.

The limitation to create a combination with smoke photography improves the creativity of the photographer to a larger extent. You can almost call it ‚the art of seeing hidden images.It is the thought that will create this picture, but in a very practical sense it is simply made from the combination of two pictures.

Smoke Photography: The Creation

First, you’ll find that you need some form of a smoke photo that you have captured. Then, from that form, you will begin to plan out the real-life object that you will use that has the same shape as your smoke photo. Really, you’re searching for a match that you feel is consistent with the original smoke form.

There are many different approaches to finding your two photos that you will combine. Some photographers like to first have the object or shape in mind that they will use and then spend hours with smoke in order to capture the form they need. Others take a more creative approach in which they allow the smoke form to speak to them and be the inspiration for the object that they will later find. The choice is really yours.

From a small box setup to a studio setup, there are so many ways to capture the object you are looking for, so you can feel free to select whatever fits your style. Once you have both your smoke and object shot, now merge these two pictures in Photoshop or some other software editing program. While this may be the most time-consuming part of the process, you’ll find it is the most rewarding!

What are Other Options for Smoke Photography?

Once you’ve discovered how exciting smoke photography is, you’ll find yourself wondering what else you can do with smoke photography. You’ll find that the answer to this question is only limited by the options available to your own ideas! But, as you focus on options available, you’ll soon find that a world of options open themselves to you.

Consider carrying around a small notebook for the next week to take down the fresh ideas that will come to mind! Some enjoy imagining the entire world that they see in smoke form. Yet, others prefer to spend hours in front of smoke, allowing its form to be the story writer for their next shot.

For new ideas about taking photos, check out my blog, but for specifics on the some of the easiest to use cameras out there, visit my photo site.