Schlagwort-Archive: renovating

The Different Advantages Of Framing With Metal Studs

We have heard all sorts of stories through the years of the benefits in framing with steel compared to wood studs. Once I even read you could construct a whole house with the amount of reused metal from a large vehicle such as a Cadillac. I find this hard to believe unless you happen to be building a really small home.

My personal favorite for framing with steel studs is they are incredibly straight. I have built non bearing partition walls using 12 ft . 3 1/2 in . wide steel studs and following the drywall it is possible to put an eight ft . level to measure it for straightness on the walls with awesome results.

If you use 3 1/2 in . wide steel studs along with 5/8 inch drywall you’re going to get an incredibly sturdy and durable wall. Framing with steel studs is normal in office renovations or remodeling. Most of the steel stud framing is performed via the drywall contractors.

Metal studs and termites don’t mix. You’ll never have to worry about these kinds of little buggers or other un-invited house insects damaging your walls.

Over time I have heard reports that steel framed buildings are earthquake and fire proof. They could be much more immune to fire than wood however remember when metal is hot enough it’ll bend and twist which makes it useless.

Whenever I hear folks talking about a fire resistant building constructed with steel framing components my very first thought is all of the many other materials used in building the house that aren’t fire proof. Do not get a false illusion when purchasing a building framed with metal studs and think it is 100% fire proof.

As far as steel framed houses being earth-quake proof that is another story. I really cannot comment too much on earthquake damage to a steel building. The problem with earthquakes is they apparently create fires. So even if your building can survive an earth quake it could get damaged by a fire in the area.

I’ve framed more wood homes than steel homes over the years and my steel stud construction is restricted to nonbearing partition walls generally found in office buildings. I really like framing with metal due to the lightweight as well as ease of construction.

I still enjoy framing with solid wood. There is something about what framing which i have always loved and continually will.

Matthiew Kurgen is a professional writer and an expert on metal studs and related topics.

A Couple Of Things You May Not Know About Unfinished Cabinets

For many public out there, they would like buying completed cabinets to avert the inconvenience of having to spend more time, finishing the finishing, than they can afford.

However, for those people who enjoy more time than money, and for those who enjoy finishing woodwork, buying unfinished cabinets would be the best choice. There are however a few things, you need to know before selecting to buy unfinished cabinets.

The one explanation why many people go for unfinished cabinets is to save on the cost. One would save a lot when they go for unfinished cabinets but you should to be careful these days. Because most dealers have observed the preference of these cabinets by many people, some have taken benefit and raised the prices.

If you buy from such manufacturers, you will find that money you save is not meriting the physical work you put to it and may only be the [expenses|cost of the materials you will need for the job. So make a decent research to confirm whether it is worth it to purchase the unfinished cabinets.

You will need to get a good finish if you are to get good outcomes. This also needs for more research and can be a daunting work.

A major benefit of buying finished cabinets is that the merchant will be charged with the obligation to obtain the perfect finish so that their products can be attractive.

If you purchase incomplete cabinets, you will have to wait for some time before you can start using them. This takes in the time that you will need to finish the cabinets and the allowance you will need to grant them to dry.

You must also be sure that you can do the painting task perfectly. For initiates, it is recommended to use a rag so as to get an uniform tone. This may be a challenge when using a brush. If you are not able to get the time or you doubt your skills, it would be beneficial to purchase finished cabinets or have a specialist do the finishing for you if that would salvage you some cash.

Uma Riekturr is a full time writer and loves writing about unfinished cabinets and related topics.