Schlagwort-Archive: power and persuasion

Knowing The Unique Ideas Of Persuasion To Fire Up One’s Mind

If you are interested in firing up someone’s mind without making it obvious that you are trying to control them, you need to learn the technique of persuasion – but also to pay attention to its counterpart: manipulation.

When we are interested in making someone think as we do, we need to make sure that that person doesn’t feel that they are under our control. There is, as you may know, a thin line between these two things: persuasion and manipulation. You need to muse on the first and avoid the latter.

When you persuade someone, you are getting that person to be persuaded to do something for you. Manipulating someone, on the other hand, typically entails the use of dishonest means, and here the ends do not justify the proverbial means.

What differentiates persuasion from manipulation dwells in a person’s motivation. If you are an honest person using honest methods, you are not going to be seen as being manipulative.

The following ideas show you ways of persuasion by avoiding those of manipulation. First, know what you need, and then express this want honestly. Be open about your desires or goals. Know what you want, too, otherwise you won’t be able to speak your mind clearly.

Did you always want to have a fancy birthday party? Let friends and relatives know that this is what you wish. Speak up, let them know what would make you happy.

Second, did you know that your friends and relatives tend to echo your own values? Yes, if you are generous, for example, they’ll be munificent, too.

Also, listen vigilently to what your friends or relatives are saying. See if you can tell whether they have wants or needs. This way you’ll recognize whether there is something you could do to help them. Then when it’s your turn to need something, they will be happy to rise to the occasion.

Be sure you don’t come across as the type of person that always needs something. If you socialize with your friends by sharing your talents with them, you are doing the right thing. And you create pleasant relationships by being simply yourself and not someone else.

Don’t be the sort of person who is too picky or hard to please; that way your friends or relatives will be disinclined to help you out when you need help.

And if you think you are picki and hard to please, you know that others are not going to sprint to help you out when you are in need of their help.

In the final analysis, do not remove yourself from the party of others. Recall the old song about people needing people; they are the happiest people on earth.

Though life is not always a bowl of cherries, it’s pleasant to have people on our side when we are overwhelmed by the demands of work or feel depressed or tired. If such conditions make your friends hesitant in your presence to see what they can do for you, get out of the way for the time being. But do call your friends or send them an e-mail rather than try to keep them attached to you in times that are trying.

If you keep in touch with people in accordance with the advice given above, people are not going to burn the bridges behind them when you will be in need of their help.

So the techniques we discuss here are the basics of persuasion that show you how to communicate your needs or wants. Human nature is twofold: we want to help others, even as we want others to help us.

There is really no hidden knowledge here: if you know the practices of persuasion, you will know how to put into words your needs and wants. Human nature is such that we all want to help and be helped, as the case may be.

Learn how to apply the techniques of persuasion to fire up a mind and make friends. Expand your horizons. Don’t be a bringer of bad news.

For more information, visit Persuasion Skills Black Book. They have a complete resource center including a Free Special Report, fun survey, a wealth of articles and some product reviews.

Impresssive Persuasion Strategies Through Subliminal Messages

It is really a well-known secret that to manipulate someone else’s mind is not hard. Given adequate knowledge about how the mind works in general, can lead a person to affect how another person acts and thinks. Three are so many such tactics operating in everyday life that most people never stop to think about their incidence everywhere.

Subliminal message is a popular technique along these lines. The marketing world uses this technique a lot. This kind of message can work wonders, so subliminal messages are privileged as powerful tools in a number of industries.

Subliminal messages get their vigor from going straight for the subconscious. They can work either as visual or as audio media. Advertisers apply them in both these areas, visual and auditory. The more frequently a product is advertised on television, the more it tends to outsell other brand names of a similar nature.

Mass appeal is a well-known product in both television and movies. Much of the impact in these industries owes itself to subliminal messages. Critics have also surfaced pertaining to images embedded in certain ads.

Scientific experiments have proven that the power of subliminal messages works neurologically to set off certain specific reactions. The conclusion is that if a subliminal message is of a sexual nature, the subconscious message can really act upon the conscious mind. This is one reason why so many ads rely on such messages in their attempts to move their products.

But arguments against the use of subliminal messages also proliferate. There have been experiments conducted to either prove or disprove their usefulness. There have been some problematic issues along the way, but in the end consensus has been reached about the fact that the conscious mind and the subconscious mind do not differ in their basic workings.

In other words, conscious processing of information is simultaneously going on in the subconscious mind, too. This is now an established scientific fact. In other words, whatever information the subconscious mind holds will affect the way the conscious mind will respond in how a person feels or thinks of what he or she knows.

More and more applications are prepared of subliminal messages in the world today. Whether this is something good or not finally depends on the intentions of those who employ these techniques.

For more information, visit Persuasion Skills Black Book. They have a complete resource center including a Free Special Report, fun survey, a wealth of articles and some product reviews.

Different Tips To Know From Mind Control Marketing

Whenever we are selling something, we are interested in someone getting that something for a price. There is a lot of competition out there, though, and a lot of products that are just like the ones we may be offering. This is where effectively marketing our wares comes in handy. Mind control is one good way when it comes to this kind of marketing.

The mind does its thinking and influences the body to come up with decisions. These decisions have their roots in the kind of self you deal with and its surroundings. When people think about things, they use a type of filtering with which they try to assess a situation by raising some questions about it. The fact is that this kind of filtering is done unconsciously. But the end results are manifested in real actions and overt behavior.

Mind control tries to „attack“ the workings of the human mind. When mind control is at its best, though, it’s easy to sway someone of the correctlness of a presentation. And what happens is not something that the naked eye can see.

Mind control can be used in plentiful different settings for different ends in mind. Even everyday acts in life rely on it. Try to tell your son or daughter what food to eat? That’s a form of mind control. Moreover, adult applications can be a rather powerful source of this in the social world.

And mind control in an of itself is not something terrible. It can be simply neutral in most of its applications. When the intentions of its user are questionable, then we can think twice about it. But utilized properly, it is simply a powerful tool in many ways in a given society.

Needless to say, mind control is of primary advantage in marketing. The mind is, after all, the final decision maker when it comes to buying something. And this is the main rationale why marketers are interested in the intricacies of mind control. There are those who dislike mind control on the grounds that it interferes with a person’s freedom and individual choice. But the jury is still out, and there is no damning evidence against the use of mind control when the intentions of its users are honorable people.

Using visualization is an fine use of mind control. A lot of TV advertisements use it; as well as billboards and posters of various sorts. These visual images can enhance the way people view a product, in a positive way, of course. Mind control, therefore, is a positive force in society.

And mind control can also have a positive value in many other areas of life. Perhaps some get carried away with it, but then people should remember the wisdom of Spiderman’s Uncle Ben who advocates the use of responsibility with power. And that’s a wonderful thing.

For more information on how to Be Skillful in the Ways of Subliminal Persuasion please visit our complete set of resources and additional articles, including a Free Special Report at Mastering Persuasive Techniques.

Easy Mind Control Tactics

A while back I wanted my spouse to buy me something that wasn’t cheap. My husband didn’t want to do this because he felt that we would spend too much on the upcoming holiday season. But a little ruse of mine made him change his mind: I gave him the good old silent treatment. So I got what I wanted. I happen to know that this is a really good mind control technique. ~ Mariz

When we are trying to influence the mind of another, we employ mind control techniques. This gets at the other person’s subconscious level. The result is that the person’s emotions and behaviors are affected. This is really a kind of subvert manipulation to affect the way a person makes a decision.

At this point in time many believe that mind control is something to be avoided. This is stated in terms of the bad control on someone’s freedom or independence.

But mind control is really something completely neutral. If we take it back to its logical conclusion, what do we find? Simply a way of using the mind to communicate with. This has become a very important technique even when it comes to learning one’s own capabilities. And this way we can figure out how to best use it.

Mind control is utilized a lot. Its power can operate so naturally that we can even take it for granted to the point of not noticing it at all. It is not until the intentions of its user are negative that mind control becomes something awful and undesirable.

Hypnosis is actually a mind control technique. Whether it’s self-induced or induced by someone else. The effects of hypnosis are powerful and can sway what a person does under its application. This is indeed a very effective mind control. Cult and other secret societies have been said to be employing these techniques.

Silent treatment, which is revealed by Mariz’s story, is another way to use this technique. This is basically part of people’s personalities. It has specific results when utilized, as such it can be another valuable mind control technique.

Then there are the subliminal messages; these are also a sort of mind control techniques. When a subliminal message is sent, its receiver remains ignorant of having been influenced by it. TV commercials use it as well as many advertisements in general. When this kind of influence is upon you, you can’t really „see“ it. But it exists nonetheless and can influence the way you think or how you feel about something.

But mind control techniques require care and thought before their application. A sense of responsibility is a must. Since it can be used in negative ways, it is important to know what we are doing when we employ it and to remain responsible agents whenever we use it.

Learn more about Persuasive Skills, at The Art Of Persuasion and claim your Free Special Report which is just packed full of related articles. To find a number of different articles on the subject they can be found at