Schlagwort-Archive: polaroid instant

Capture The Moment

Pro photographers have known for years the wondrous enchanting ability to just capture a moment when they press the shutter at the right millisecond. Occasionally such moments can be planned, and frequently they can’t. Occasionally they’re just there, and you’ve got to snap it without thought for composition or lighting or any of the other elements we all know are critical for quality photography.

As an example, you can plan for a photograph full of the energy of the wind when someone or a vehicle crosses the line of sight.

Or when you know something impressive is ready to occur, like the arriving of a baby, having a camera prepared for that first moment of life could lead to an amazing picture. Such life moments can be caught if you’re prepared with your ability and talent and apparatus.

That moment when just the right elements come together for surprising composition, is usually nothing that you may have planned or set up. Lately my partner and I escaped and spent a weekend in the mountains where, one evening at dinner, we were seated on the porch of the dining room. Just as our salads were served, the sun moved from behind clouds and the brilliant metal roofs of mountain homes were illuminated across the meadow. Bright red and green and blue and gray roof colours flooded our senses as if a bucket-full of marbles had been tossed against the green and brown mountainside.

The sight was so full of vitality and virility that we could hardly talk with the vibrancy of it all.

That moment wasn’t planned. It just happened. Often such experiences can be imagined before the circumstance. As an example, you know a crop moon will be a magnificent sight, and you can make arrangements for shooting it by being in the right spot at the right time. The unpredictable can be made simply manageable with a little forethought.

You can visualize what may be, before it actually occurs. Demonstrating patience may open doors for a selection of abnormally composed stills, especially if you need to attend on just the right natural light, or shade, or form or energy.

you can find some pieces you will really want to learn about the Polaroid instant cameras range from the Polaroid Instant Cameras site.