Schlagwort-Archive: pay per click advertising

Can You Save Time and Money by Outsourcing Your Pay Per Click Campaign? Part 1 of 2

One of the largest challenges with Internet Marketing is operating a successful pay per click advertising campaign. Competition is fierce and the costs to advertise at Google are steadily climbing.

Below we are going to review several of the factors that you should look at when deciding whether or not to outsource your pay per click campaign.

1. Search Marketing Expertise

It should be stated that you are an expert in your industry. You are growing your business based on your knowledge and skills and have achieved a certain level of success. That, however, does not make you an knowledgeable at search marketing. While you may know your business inside and out, the marketing strategies required to successfully promote on Google are a totally different issue.

Search Marketing/PPC is a very specialized form of advertising. Strategies that worked justsix months ago are no longer effective. The search engines change as fast as the stock market and if you lack the knowledge to create a effective search marketing campaign, you will overpay for clicks and amidst tremendous opportunities.

2. Keyword Selection

For years, our company has run campaigns with large amounts of keywords. All the way back in 2001, we developed campaigns with up to one million keywords. No one had heard of „long-tail keywords“ and no one was developing detailed keyword lists. Today, the industry has changed. Many people have built tremendously extensive campaigns to the point that long-tail strategies had to change.

The search engines no longer allow you to bid on every keyword you can imagine. Today, you need a strategy that casts a net that is surgically targeted to specific products, services and audiences. Unless you know what to do to develop these keyword lists, you will very likely place yourself on the most expensive, high traffic, low converting keywords that are used in your industry. To be able to research and locate the right keywords at the right cost is a critical skill in developing a profitable campaign.

3. Tracking Capabilities

For decades, companies used newspaper, print, radio and TV ads that were hard to track. Online advertising changed all that, making most actions highly accountable. To be successful today in search you have to implement a system to track all actions; otherwise, how will you know what worked? Even if you are tracking, what will you do with that data?

4. Optimization Algorithms

Optimization systems / search optimization algorithms are the automated systems that analyze the data you capture, evaluate the actual success on the particular keywords, and make determinations as to which keywords should be bid higher, lower or eliminated completely. This needs to be an automated task to analyze the amount of search phrases required to extract full value from your search campaign.

In the next part, we will discuss development costs, ROI analysis,how much time it takes to be successful and the learning curve involved in running a successful PPC program.

Christopher Ulrich is the CEO of the Direct Response Group. Since 1996, his team has been assisting small to large groups with Pay-Per-Click Optimization to market themselves on the web with Search Engine Marketing. For information, visit

Getting Started With Google Adwords Campaigns

Google Adwords has long been one of the main pay-per-click platforms on the internet and also is a valuable way to get visitors to your site or blog. While it is essential to know how Google Adwords work, it is a good part already to being successful with pay per click advertising; you will definitely have to also have a knowledge of how to create effective campaigns, how to develop ad groups, and how to place bids for the right keywords.

It doesn’t matter what market you have or what kind of audience you need to appeal to, there are actually certain unique guidelines to help you when utilizing Google AdWords. Listed here are a number of vital suggestions to keep in mind when making a Google Adwords marketing campaign that gets results:

1. Maximize the use of the wizard to set-up an Adwords account. If you’re new to Google AdWords, you’ll find it easier to get through the basic account registration using the Adwords wizard. It can help you with each of the basic account management tools — this is normally the area whereby you can easily select the regions you intend your ads to run, as well as set up your campaigns within a few clicks of your mouse.

2. Create a convincing ad. Your ad must contain particular words in a specific format to be highly effective. Make sure your keyword or keyphrase is in the main statement, have the benefits in the second line, write the special feature in the next part, and then include a website address (your website landing page) in the fourth line. This is a proven strategy for a profitable campaign, and the approach continues to be recognized by experts of Google Adwords such as Perry Marshall, who is also the writer of the book „The Ultimate Guide to Google Adwords“ as well as Peter Kent, author of the book „Pay Per Click Search Engine Marketing for Dummies“.

3. Benefit from having the perfect keywords and phrases. Google gives users a robust tool for selecting keywords which enables you to create a list of well-targeted key words and phrases relevant to your niche market. Explore the said tool as much as possible while you’re creating your campaign, and also when you’re hunting for ideal keywords that you can use for your site.

4. Know how you can keyword match. You may work with the keyword tool in Google Adwords to carry out broad matching, phrase matching as well as exact matching for a supplied set of keywords. This allows you to widen your scope of words for every advertising campaign. You are also able to remove particular words and phrases with the negative matching; this makes sure that your marketing campaigns will never show up on search results for those who type-in these words. Keyword matching will allow you to refine your campaign so that it becomes much more focused.

5. Set up your budget. One of the biggest benefits of using Google Adwords is the ability to setup your own budget. You can give just how much you want to pay every day and then Google will deduct this balance through your own Google account. Start small and slowly get your budget moving as soon as you start seeing the gains from your ads. As you begin building traffic, you’ll be able to determine how much it actually costs to have the type of visitors you prefer, and establish which keywords and phrases really contribute to your sales.

Advertising with Google Adwords is an effective technique that most websites can use to find more sales. Creating quality Google Ads is one of the best skills to have when using Adwords – and there are several good training guides available online.

How to Plan Your Pay Per Click Marketing to Suit Yourself.

Types of online advertising campaigns are numerous and differ greatly in their results according to the type of business the campaign is promoting. The advantages of paper click marketing are often what attracts both small and large enterprises to it as they vie for the top spot on the list of results and for the maximum number of sales conversions for every click made by interested customers.

How it works is not difficult to grasp: Advertisers pay an agreed rate to search engines and other internet publishers to publish their ad. The agreed rate is either a fixed or flat rate but in most cases, the rates are determined according to automated online „auctions, “ for the most popular search terms. Thereafter, the advertiser only pays when their ad is clicked.

According to the bid-based model, companies participate in automated auctions whereby they bid on keywords. Obviously, the rate attached to the most popular keywords are higher than those which are less popular. Once the bids have been placed, and the winner of the top position determined, the ads are listed according to other factors in addition, such as the length, quality and relevance of the ad. With most search engines (for example, Google) these ads can be found on the right-hand side of the results page when a keyword is searched for.

Certain projections have to be made around the potential value of a click. A major factor that determines this value is the kind of person that the advertiser wishes to attract. Market research to ascertain the time of day at which their target audience is online as well as exactly which search terms are utilized by their potential customers are vital deciding factors when launching a PPC campaign.

The financial benefit of this kind of online marketing is a major reason for its success. Companies are able to track their expenditure in a very precise way and measure the return on their relatively small investment very accurately. In this way, advertisers can keep a close eye on their advertising expenditure and make important decisions about how aggressive their PPC ad campaign will become.

This strategy is also very effective in terms of the lack of time delays it entails to have the ad published and/or changed if and when required. Wording or length changes can be made quickly and can be implemented with immediate effect. This is a key point of attraction for advertisers who are experimenting with their strategies in their respective markets.

Customers who access the pay-per-click ads are more than likely expressing a genuine interest in the product or service offering and are therefore more than likely to generate a sale. These paid-for ads therefore reach their target audience directly and accurately and waste little expense on targeting or reaching uninterested patrons.

For decision makers who wish to spend less time on the upkeep of online campaigns and more time on attending to the needs of customers, pay-per-click marketing is ideal. The advantages of paper click marketing are undoubtedly one of the reasons it has thrived in the online environment and continues to be an important part of companies‘ advertising campaigns worldwide.

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