Schlagwort-Archive: otcbb

Go Public – How To Structure Your Company For Private Equity Investment

Business Owners: Build A Corporate Structure That Investors Love! Ok, you’ve decided to go after investment capital but you’re not sure where to start. Here are the basics that you should pay close attention to before putting your company in front of investors.

First and foremost you need to perform an industry analysis that answers the questions pertaining to where you are in the industry and who are your competitors. It doesn’t matter what product or service you offer. You could be selling underwater sock fitting kits and there is a competitor and industry leader somewhere in the world. Don’t be so naive in thinking that there is no competition or that you are at the pinnacle of your industry. Show your audience that you’ve done your research and that you’ve identified the players in your market.

Next get your executive team together and it better be the who’s who in your industry. If you can’t attract the upper echelon of your industry genre then you need to do some serious PR on behalf of your individual executive team to show the public what they are made of. Brand them as the up and coming powerhouse executives in the industry. Publish their articles and knowledge on industry blogs and article submission sites. When a funding source initiates general due diligence you need to shine like a lighthouse in the fog. Each and every executive team member needs to have an image that screams power, success and investor security.

The next thing you need to do is take a serious look at your board of directors. Who is on your board, what is their compensation and is there someone that is a better fit for formulating strategies and alliances than those who are currently populating your director staff.

One of the main reasons that investors turn down companies for funding is because they lack the backup of industry players in connection to strategic alliances. You need to identify and contractually reach out to companies that will enhance your overall business strategy. Your minimum goal should be 10 solid, aged companies that have already branded their names in the marketplace and are willing to add you to their mix of advertising and ongoing strategy and they will expect the same from you. Show investors that it’s not just you treading water in the industrial whirlpool and that you’ve built a life preserver of alliances.

Now you are ready to write a business plan and private placement memorandum that takes all the essential elements above and puts them in two well authored and to the point documents that will make an interesting and informative read for investors who have a track record of investment in your particular industry. If you’ve written your own business plan, toss it. If investors are going to take you seriously you need a professionally written business plan that touches on all the triggers that investors are currently looking for.

Next, it’s best to use the Regulation D, Private Placement Memorandum as the vehicle for staying within SEC guidelines for raising capital and you should use a Direct Public Offering as the process for raising the actual capital. Reaching out to friends, family, industrial counterparts and alliances should be the first place you go for funding. If you are lucky the consultant you hire to assist you with the above processes will have a solid database of investors to assist you in your initial, first round raise via DPO.

Last but not least you should consider, even though it’s not a mandatory requirement for a PPM or DPO, getting an independent audit done on your company to demonstrate an objective analysis of your financial reality so that investors can find their comfort level quicker without a prolonged comments stage.

There you have it. These are the basics to what it takes to achieve equity investment in this current market. Get out there and raise some money!

Find out how to globalize your business or You’re your Company Public , Find out how to Structure Your Company to grow fast and raise capital

OTCBB – OTC Bulletin Board – Over The Counter Bulletin Board

If you are considering going public you are coming from one of two positions: you are either coming from a position of liquidity where you have the capital to spend $200k to go public on the OTCBB or you are coming from a position of weakness and you don’t have liquidity.

For the former, going public is easy, find a consultant with a solid track record and take your company public, you’re ready to go. For those of you who are coming from a weakened position due to lack of capital you should strongly consider taking your company public with a DPO (direct public offering). Typically a DPO starts with a PPM (private placement memorandum) that breaks your company into shares and prepares it for the public eye. Form D is then filed and you’re then ready to start raising capital.

The only downside is, most companies have no one to invest in the PPM and their transaction is dead in the water. A DPO is an extremely powerful process which allows you to not only offer shares to your friends, family and professional contacts but you can also team up with an investor finder company that will contact their seed capital investor database to help you raise capital fast and easy if you are willing to sell seed stock at a discount before you go public.

Be prepared to pay a modest fee upfront as well as a small equity position as these investor finder services know full well that power that they possess with their database. If you successfully contract with a real, viable investor finder service, they will most likely want to be the consulting group that takes your company public as well. Be smart; sign on with them as they will have a vested interest in your success.

They will most likely communicate electronically with their database members via email. As interest by the investor group builds, you the company owner, will have to take over the closing as it is illegal for non licensed investor finder services to take over the closing and issuance of shares on behalf of your company.

Think of a DPO with an investor finder service as the golden tuna that can solve all of your problems in one swift movement. You can find these groups by going to your favorite search engine and typing in word combinations like „investor finder'“ or „investor finder service“. You can team up with a solid investor finder service and they will take you all the way!

15c211 Filing, S1 Filing, Taking Your Company Public and Investor Relations Free Video Download , Take Your Company Public and Globalize Your Business call Princeton Corporate Solutions at 267-233-0183 Free Video Take Your Company Public and Expand Globally FAST We Can Make Global Growth Happen For Your Company

The Reverse Merger Report – Taking Your Company Public

Private Placement Memorandums and Direct Public Offerings, the most common mistakes made. When gearing up to raise capital it is typically a business owners first instinct to simply throw together a business plan and find the cheapest company to put together the private placement memorandum and then seek funding. What these professionals don’t realize is that they are doing things in reverse and often times a PPM is not a standalone solution to financial needs.

The first problem is the most companies will first write a business plan and cheap PPM and look for a capital solutions last, when strategically speaking, one should first find a full service solution who has a database of investors ready to fund properly structured corporations with well authored business plans and private placement memos. After you find a company that has a ready network of seasoned investors you will often find that this firm will also structure your business and documents so that you are able to attract the attention of these investors. Next, don’t make the mistake of hiring just anybody to write your biz plan. You need to find a professional author who is well rooted in the art of technical writing and has a solid comprehension of your industry.

Now it’s time to write the PPM. Here is a warning that will most likely go in one ear and out the other but you must never choose the cheapest service for your PPM you will regret it and this is a guarantee. Investors see these documents all day everyday and they know a template when they see it. Don’t believe for a second that you will get a viable private placement memo that will actually achieve funding for anything less than $3,000; it’s just not going to happen. There is too much work involved in putting a fund-able strategy together and you’ll never find an experienced firm to do it for cheap.

The moral of the story is to first find an investor finder solution with a solid network of investors, second have this company write your business plan and private placement memorandum to fit the needs of their investor base and lastly, talk to this consultant about helping you perform a DPO (Direct Public Offering) to their group. This is what separates the men from the boys in the venture capital consulting industry.

Legitimate consultants who stand behind their work will take your PPM directly to their investor base and help you raise capital quickly. In return for this service the company may want a modest equity position in addition to their fee but it is always worth it and typically they will take the final step and have their investors pay to take your company public. This is the ultimate for any company that is seeking a long term funding solution.

Remember the order: 1. Find an investor finder 2. Have that company write your biz plan and PPM 3. Convince the firm to perform a DPO for fast funding 4. Offer some equity to sweeten the pot so that they take you public!

15c211 Filing, S1 Filing, Taking Your Company Public and Investor Relations Free Video Download , Take Your Company Public and Globalize Your Business call Princeton Corporate Solutions at 267-233-0183 Free Video Take Your Company Public and Expand Globally FAST We Can Make Global Growth Happen For Your Company

Massive Corporate Publicity That Will Transform Your Company Overnight!

We get calls all day, every day from companies that talk about ‚wanting‘ real corporate publicity that will transform their company but few have the stomach for what it really takes and even fewer have the financial dedication it takes to obliterate their competition and take their rightful place at the top of the food chain.

Of course it’s important to cater to the traditional media (TV, radio, newspaper, industry journals, etc) but the genre of publicity that wins every time is viral publicity consisting of video, social and news bookmarks, article submissions, press release submissions and photo/logo sharing sites. The reality is online publicity is where you’re going to completely annihilate your competitors and claim your rightful position.

When you take into consideration the ultra powerful medium and stealth of viral publicity, all other promotional genres cower in comparison. Online your pre public or post public company will claim instant viewers and a cult-like following that TV and radio can’t even remotely compare. Billions of searches take place every day and it is the viral publicists job to do what SEO and traditional publicists can’t do and that is get solid search engine ranking while simultaneously bringing in powerful results that are targeted and strategically placed.

Forget pay per click, it’s a waste of your time. crush everything in your path with viral publicity that claims power positions on the natural search results on all search engines. You must have a solid combination of mediums at use to take control of targeted keywords and industry genres.

So the next time you tell your self-proclaimed publicist or seo agent that you need publicity that will claim your position and deliver virtually instantaneous results for your company, you’ll understand why there is silence on the other end of the line…because they have no clue as to what it takes to get serious results that will rip and shred everything in your path. The powerful combination of viral publicity and massive exposure will force-feed your concept to the willing masses who are pleading with a company in your industry to step up and spoon-feed the very info that your company is offering.

Stop wasting time and money with so called ’solutions‘ that don’t work. You need a publicist, investor relations specialist and SEO demigod that will take you by the hand and pave a way for your company to succeed.

15c211 Filing, S1 Filing, Taking Your Company Public and Investor Relations Free Video Download , Take Your Company Public and Globalize Your Business call Princeton Corporate Solutions at 267-233-0183 Free Video Take Your Company Public and Expand Globally FAST We Can Make Global Growth Happen For Your Company

Over The Counter Bulletin Board And Asian Expansion Power

Global consultants are all preaching the need for IPOs and eastern expansion into major Chinese markets but very few have the knowledge on exactly how to accomplish this and even less have the contacts to make such ventures happen.

In order for a company make a cross boarder expansion into a massive market like China work the consulting firm must have powerful local and federal government contracts as well as regional and local business leaders that can support the transition. Get ready to make payoffs as this is still the way developing nations operate and during an audit there are always three sets of books, one set the company shows the government for taxes, one they show to clients to earn their business and then the actual books which are only shown to insiders. Without the proper synergies in place by the consultant and the regional power-base you can forget a trouble free expansion. Consultants who are taking their clients public in the United States and then engineering international expansion and global strategic alliances are connected, in a big way to law makers on all sides as this is the only realistic way to facilitate a global expansion. I have been in this industry for 25 years and there is one company that is constantly in the news and on the tongues of global strategists for their ongoing track record for successfully taking companies public and facilitating global expansions on behalf of their clients at a speed that is simply staggering. Princeton Corporate Solutions is one of the only true global expansion strategies consulting firms. Their CEO, James Scott has established himself among US, EU and Chinese governments and regional lawmakers as an executive with the contacts to make or break a local industry in a developing/industrializing nation.

„It’s all about synergy“, Scott explains, „when taking a company public the corporate infrastructure must be in place and the professional pedigree of the ‚C‘ level executives and board of directors must be in place. After this the company can focus on inter-industry alliances and then step onto the path of going public and that path will typically start with the OTCBB if the company has ambitions to grow onto the NASDAQ“.

And as for international expansion Scott explains, „Once again, it is about synergy. We always help our clients piggyback off of the successes, distribution and alliances that we have set up for previous clients and whenever we can put another successful entity into the mix, it strengthens the position of all parties involved“.

International consulting firms agree that the one true, viable fund raising strategy is a public offing with powerful post public investor relations in place to create a market for the company and global expansion takes more than elbow grease and know how but a plethora of contacts that cover all the basis‘.

For Global Expansion Strategies try these links Wiki Power, or This Consulting Firm or contact your local Congressmen

OTC Bulletin Board – OTCBB – S1 Filing- Here Is What You Need To Know

So many companies dream of going public both as a growth and exit strategy but unfortunately few succeed with this process. The third party audit, sponsoring of the S1 and 211 by a market maker and SEC comments stage is just one of the obstacles involved with taking a company public. The attempt at going public and actually achieving a symbol are two entirely different things and if you are lucky enough to achieve a symbol there’s a completely separate area of expertise needed to keep your stock trading and to preserve a company’s longevity in the marketplace.

Here are some things you need to keep in mind when gearing up to take your company public. Forget everything that you’ve read and heard and pay attention to what you’re about to read because this is the straight forward, objective reality of the process. First, do not hire an attorney to take you public as they will take you on a long drawn out process to get as many billable hours as possible, instead, hire a consulting firm whose sole business model is to take companies public and take advantage of the relationships that they have with attorneys. This is the first rule: hire a consulting firm that offers a complete A to Z turn-key solution for taking a company through the process of going public, achieving a symbol and preserving the trade with a solid, ongoing post public investor relations strategy.

Next, when you’ve decided on a consulting firm evaluate their team, don’t ask for references to call to research their track record, better yet, ask for symbols of previous clients and links to the Edgar database to check out current deals in the comments stage. The proof is in the empirical track record, not potentially fraudulent phone references that are easily engineered and BS.

Now look at their team. Make sure that the consulting group has a solid legal team, market makers, investor relations team, auditing group and someone well versed in the comments stage response as this can be one of the major hang-ups in achieving your symbol in a timely manner. Also, most important, they absolutely MUST have a solid group of investors to fund the process for equity and to sell their shares into the marketplace post public to create a market for your stock as well as a network of market makers familiar with your deal to piggyback off of the sponsoring market maker’s 211.

About one month away from symbol achievement you’ll want to meet with your consultants to get a solid IR strategy together for a big offering dbut. You will want to set up a strategy for 30 day IR intensives every other month with general corporate publicity strategies in between. I suggest changing your IR firm each quarter to keep it fresh and open up your trade to a new network of investors.

One special note to consider is that when you are raising your initial round of capital from seed investors, the fastest way to do this is to have a fist full of contracts and purchase orders in hand to strengthen your position and publicize this reality with an arsenal of press releases. Its 100 times easier to raise capital if you are showing seed investors a handful of ’soon to be‘ cash than to solicit them empty handed.

Obviously there are a multitude of other issues that you need to take into consideration when going public so find a consulting firm that can help you make it happen. Don’t try to venture out into these waters on your own as you’ll be diving into shark infested waters and you’ll almost certainly fail.

Taking Your Company Public? Get The Facts At the Top Financial Blog , call Princeton Corporate Solutions at 267-233-0183 or Call Us To Take Your Company Public the easy way!

OTCBB – How To Successfully ‚Stay‘ Public – Over The Counter Bulletin Board

Investor relations services: how to truly dominate the public market. If you have a public company or are in the process of taking your company public on the OTCBB or any other reputable exchange the reader must realize that going public is the easy part, having a successful public offering and preserving the longevity of your public entity is another topic all together. As a corporate strategies and public offering facilitator our firm is often called in after a company has a disastrous public offering or they’ve teamed up with the wrong service solutions that pump and dump their equity positions.

Here is the problem that most companies make when they are going public: companies don’t budget properly for general corporate publicity or solid investor relations strategies for the first year that their company is public. Investor relations and publicity stock promotion activity should be at the forefront of every public CEO’s mind.

If you are signing a large contract, publicize it with press releases, viral promotion and TV and radio expert panel discussions. When we take on a company for serious investor relations our campaigns are obviously completely customized but here is the skeletal structure of a prototypical campaign: strong viral publicity strategy consisting of video, article and press release submission, social and news book marking, logo and image posts and after this information has assimilated we get the client on prominent TV expert panel discussions with their name, company name and stock symbol on the screen.

Lastly, we then run two simultaneous 30 day stock promotion intensives with a massive injection of investor promotional concepts on both sides each day which consist of newsletters and stock alerts to ultra-active investors and other strategies daily.

The important thing to remember is that the above must happen monthly for the first six months to a year in order for your company to successfully trade. There is no other way around it, you must budget for your investor relations campaigns or your venture simply will not work.

Taking Your Company Public? Get The Facts At the Top Financial Blog , call Princeton Corporate Solutions at 267-233-0183 or Call Us To Take Your Company Public the easy way!