Schlagwort-Archive: otc bulletin board

Over The Counter Bulletin Board With Attitude, What?

I’ve been involved with more mergers and acquisitions and IPOs than I can even count. I’ve been called many names when I’m getting involved with corporate turnaround consulting but the most common of these terms are: arrogant, cocky and hardheaded. I take these names as a feather in the cap and a notch on the belt because the worst thing that can happen is that a company or board of directors hires a wimp or pushover. Having swagger when walking into a negotiation session or presentation makes all the difference. Refuse to lose and have the contacts to back up your moves.

Solar Panel CEO’s and executives take note…it’s ok to be cocky of you can back it up with performance. My clients love me. The people on the receiving end of my firm’s negotiations hate me (until they hire me on their next project). My hate of losing exceeds my love of winning and I’ll never stop until the clients pull me off of the project or until the transaction is done. This mentality is a must for today’s executive and corporate consultant.

I’m not saying this to impress anyone or to get more business. I’m trying to express to new CEOs of public companies and pre public companies that you have to be fierce. When you step in a room everyone has to feel it. Your presence has to be loathed by some and the epitome of curiosity by others. Keep them guessing.

Demonstrate loyalty to your client and make competitors fear being on the receiving end of your attention and above all, be calculated with your moves and stealthy with your strategy. Don’t speak until you can level the room with what you have to say and understand the reality that for every action there will be a reaction and for every strategic move you make on your clients behalf, there will be countermeasures taken by the opposition.

It’s ok to stay up at night distracted by ideas that will press the throttle peddle on behalf of your client. It’s a forgivable sin to force-feed strategies and alliances to your client that will help them get a competitive edge over their competition. And above all remember this, at the end of the day in global commerce the winning side achieves more than domination but the ability to keep and create jobs and grow through acquisition which creates more jobs and profitability. Arrogance and the refusal to lose is the beginning of this entire process. Get it or get out!

Stop wasting your valuable time. Find out How To Take Your Company Public, visit Belvedere Global Strategies Corporation’s site on how to choose between a Reverse Merger, S1 Filing or Incubator Program that best fits your needs

OTCBB – OTC Bulletin Board – Over The Counter Bulletin Board

If you are considering going public you are coming from one of two positions: you are either coming from a position of liquidity where you have the capital to spend $200k to go public on the OTCBB or you are coming from a position of weakness and you don’t have liquidity.

For the former, going public is easy, find a consultant with a solid track record and take your company public, you’re ready to go. For those of you who are coming from a weakened position due to lack of capital you should strongly consider taking your company public with a DPO (direct public offering). Typically a DPO starts with a PPM (private placement memorandum) that breaks your company into shares and prepares it for the public eye. Form D is then filed and you’re then ready to start raising capital.

The only downside is, most companies have no one to invest in the PPM and their transaction is dead in the water. A DPO is an extremely powerful process which allows you to not only offer shares to your friends, family and professional contacts but you can also team up with an investor finder company that will contact their seed capital investor database to help you raise capital fast and easy if you are willing to sell seed stock at a discount before you go public.

Be prepared to pay a modest fee upfront as well as a small equity position as these investor finder services know full well that power that they possess with their database. If you successfully contract with a real, viable investor finder service, they will most likely want to be the consulting group that takes your company public as well. Be smart; sign on with them as they will have a vested interest in your success.

They will most likely communicate electronically with their database members via email. As interest by the investor group builds, you the company owner, will have to take over the closing as it is illegal for non licensed investor finder services to take over the closing and issuance of shares on behalf of your company.

Think of a DPO with an investor finder service as the golden tuna that can solve all of your problems in one swift movement. You can find these groups by going to your favorite search engine and typing in word combinations like „investor finder'“ or „investor finder service“. You can team up with a solid investor finder service and they will take you all the way!

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OTCBB – How To Successfully ‚Stay‘ Public – Over The Counter Bulletin Board

Investor relations services: how to truly dominate the public market. If you have a public company or are in the process of taking your company public on the OTCBB or any other reputable exchange the reader must realize that going public is the easy part, having a successful public offering and preserving the longevity of your public entity is another topic all together. As a corporate strategies and public offering facilitator our firm is often called in after a company has a disastrous public offering or they’ve teamed up with the wrong service solutions that pump and dump their equity positions.

Here is the problem that most companies make when they are going public: companies don’t budget properly for general corporate publicity or solid investor relations strategies for the first year that their company is public. Investor relations and publicity stock promotion activity should be at the forefront of every public CEO’s mind.

If you are signing a large contract, publicize it with press releases, viral promotion and TV and radio expert panel discussions. When we take on a company for serious investor relations our campaigns are obviously completely customized but here is the skeletal structure of a prototypical campaign: strong viral publicity strategy consisting of video, article and press release submission, social and news book marking, logo and image posts and after this information has assimilated we get the client on prominent TV expert panel discussions with their name, company name and stock symbol on the screen.

Lastly, we then run two simultaneous 30 day stock promotion intensives with a massive injection of investor promotional concepts on both sides each day which consist of newsletters and stock alerts to ultra-active investors and other strategies daily.

The important thing to remember is that the above must happen monthly for the first six months to a year in order for your company to successfully trade. There is no other way around it, you must budget for your investor relations campaigns or your venture simply will not work.

Taking Your Company Public? Get The Facts At the Top Financial Blog , call Princeton Corporate Solutions at 267-233-0183 or Call Us To Take Your Company Public the easy way!