Schlagwort-Archive: online photos

Fotograf Trondheim- How Digital Photography Works

Photography is an amazing work of art. I love taking photos and I am sure there are a lot of people who like to go out and take photos. Do you know what ‚red-eye‘ syndrome is? I thought to share with you some of my tips and I hope you like them and implement them when you go out and take photos. Explore these tips about mastering your digital photography , whether you’re using your cell phone or a point-and-shoot camera to snap shots.

A person caan try positioning the subject off to the side, rather than in the center of the photograph. Your digital camera has a „macro mode“ – think of it as a super magnifying glass. An extreme close up of something like flower petals can bring out textures that you never knew existed, and will add excitement to your photos.

You can also try positioning your subject off to the side, rather than in the center of the photograph. Your digital camera has a „macro mode“ – think of it as a super magnifying glass. An extreme close up of something like flower petals can bring out textures that you never knew existed, and will add excitement to your photos. Play with this feature, you will find dozens of ways to use it to enhance your pictures.

Take your shot from the top of a teeter-totter, off the side of the boat, or standing on your head. Thinking outside the box can really pay off in unexpected ways. You will truly get once in a lifetime shots by adding a bit of creativity to your thinking.

Becoming an expert at digital photography takes time; you won’t become a professional photographer in your first week. Just keep trying new methods each time you use your camera, and before long, your friends and family will be admiring your newfound skills.Visit Fotograf i Trondheim

Tor Inge Langberg is a professional Norwegian photographer who owns Fotograf Trondheim website. If you like to see some of his work of photography check out Fotograf i Trondheim