Schlagwort-Archive: Office Walls

Office Interiors Don’t Have To Be Staid

Would you like your place of business to be a bit out of the ordinary? Would you like to project an image that is a cut above the competition? Do you crave to be seen as something new and exciting? These ideals can be reached with creative office interiors.

Far too many businesses rely on the tired and trite floor plans that have been joked about for years. Are you surrounded by gray cubicles and cheap looking motel style carpeting? Is an exciting addition to your office space another silk plant in a basket? Do your customers politely decline to take a seat and wait for appointments outside or at a nearby coffee shop?

Fortunately, this is the type of accident that can be easily overcome with a bit a planning and an eye toward image. Most companies either already have an image to focus on, or are desperately seeking an effective image to focus on. Where your work gets done is an ideal place to begin honing this image conscious ideal. You can begin by, literally, thinking out side of the box, as in cutting down on cubicles. Open spaces foster open minds.

How about hosting arrangements? Where and on what are your colleagues and customers lounging? Are they comfortable enough to stay for that extra pitch or to work on a problem? Or does you furniture scream at their bodies to take flight? Creating relaxing and easy-going areas shows concern, and it removes that dental appointment feeling that so many dread. While you are at it, splash some color around a bit.

What about cutting edge companies? How can you appeal to the technophiles and the eager eggheads you covet? If they are your employees, simply give them free reign. Your place will look like a manic panic in no time. If this is too extreme, then just go industrial bold, with hard colors and lights, and sheen on everything. Disco balls might even work somewhere.

Lighting, as mentioned, is a powerful emotion building source. More importantly is the light that you will be working under. Poor lighting makes for poor output and will create poor employee attitudes. This is proven by science, as are the ways to eliminate these problems. The answer is in the sun. Use the actual sun, or recreate it with proper bulbs, but do this simple thing for the mental well being of your office denizens.

Along the same lines as proper lighting are the ways to use colors. These are also powerful and emotional tools that can be utilized in creating a viable workspace as well as an appropriate image. Some colors soothe while others sedate. Some cause you to cogitate while others cause you to agitate. Clearly color choice should be highly regarded, and a bit of research will do you a world of good.

And never ever underestimate the most often used item in the workplace, the lowly chair. Can you afford ergonomic? If so, go there. At the very least go for serious comfort and solid support. Workers with good sitting postures are happy workers. Businesses that pay close attention to quality office interiors make happy workers. Happy workers make happy customers, and this is the end goal of business, is it not?

Find those office partitions for sale online at great prices. There you will discover many choices for a good office partition to use. Head online today for your needs!