Schlagwort-Archive: Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Salary

The Real Amount Of The Nurse Salary

The pay for every job is dependant upon a few factors and nurse salary is no different. The factors that govern this wage are composed of the kind of nurse you are, the area where you work and your education and experience is always the top priority. There are many facts that govern the pay of those in the nursing field.

It is the duties the nurses perform that classify them into types. Most people think of only one kind of this professional, that is the registered nurse or RN. Two more main types of nurses exist popularly known as vocational practitioner and practical nurses.

These are the main categories of nurses and they can be made into sub-groups. These sub-groups will then have specific responsibilities. The more specific the job becomes the lesser you are paid.

Nursing has been thought to have high starting salaries, this is not the case. Nurses earn between $16 and $23 per hour, but this increases with time and experience. The starting salary is also dependant upon your position in the hospital, like if you are a nursing manager or a practical nurse you will get a better wage. This is because a Masters degree is required for these posts.

A big plus to the nursing sector is that empty slots are always available. With higher population rates and increased probability of getting sick, hospitals require more staff to handle the load. This trend is another huge factor in affecting nursing wages.

Wages are also governed by the kinds of locality you work in. Hospitals in places with higher costs of living will pay nurses more. Yet again, the demand and supply trend has its effect; if the supply exceeds the demand then wages will remain low.

Nursing jobs, like doctor jobs have shifts, due to the fact that hospitals are always open. Some hospitals like to keep the wages of all nurses the same so they change the shifts on a weekly basis. Still some hospitals allow you to choose the shift you want to work in.

Working in the day shift will get you a lower wage compared to a night shift. Also working on weekends gives you a chance of higher pay scale, but the difference is just one or two dollars per hour. If you still require more info visit your local hospital or university to find out about nurse salary, but basic wages are still controlled by the above factors.

You will find a complete review of the factors that determine nurse salary amounts and neonatal nurse salary figures on our site, now.