Schlagwort-Archive: mlm videos

MLM Video Marketing Secrets Exposed

There has been a considerable amount of talk in recent years on the use of MLM video marketing in order to generate leads for free. Now, there are tons of different ways to use video to create leads, but the one I am going to focus on is using it to rank highly in the search engines, and cover some secrets that most people miss out on.

At the beginning, we need to do proper keyword research in order to know exactly what our MLM video will be all about.

The best place to begin is to use the Google keyword tool. For example, if your first idea was to do something on the video about MLM leads, type that phrase into the keyword research tool and see what comes up.

What will appear are related searches to what we typed in and specifically look for those that have several hundred searches per month.

Narrow it down to one you want to talk about and that will be the subject of your MLM video.

Next, we will actually film the MLM video for ourselves. The optimal length for any video used to generate leads is right at 2 minutes.

When completed, save the video for publication. This is actually an important step, as you absolutely want to include the keyword which is the topic of your video in the actual name of the MLM video.

Finally, write a short keyword focused article with the subject the same as you made your MLM video about.

Now, you go ahead and upload your MLM video to YouTube. After the process has started, and you’ve clicked on the „upload button“ a few fields of information will be requested, asking for „Title, Description, and Tags“.

As mentioned before, include the keyword your MLM video is about in the title.

Next, in the description portion of the MLM video, take the keyword focused article that you wrote earlier and paste it in the description field of the video. Doing this, and having text that is focused on the subject of the video will help it rank in the search engines faster and have it appear more relevant.

Last, in the „tags“ section, include your main keyword and other related versions of your keyword.

Viola, your MLM video is done! All ready to get traffic from the search engines from.

If you’d like to learn more about using MLM video in your business, read below and click on the link for more information.

Go get 7 Free Days of cutting edge network marketing training on things like MLM video to help you succeed and Go get tons of network marketing leads for free.