Schlagwort-Archive: marketing materials

Effective Brochure Design Tips For Those New In Business

Have you ever considered that a brochure can be one of the most potent of all your selling materials? Although it’s just a folded piece of paper, the effect that the brochure brings can be intense. A poorly created one can render poor marketing results; therefore, it can also slacken your business growth.

The key to a winning marketing strategy is a professionally designed brochure. Take time to ensure that it has all the right data that is easily understood by your intended readers.

If you are just beginning in business you might be enticed to do your brochure all by yourself to save on cost. However, it will make a huge difference if you will have it produced professionally. Be aware that a professionally designed material is an asset, not an expense. It will render the reasons why you are in business: the clients and the cash flow.

There are three essential design rules that you need to follow in making a brochure that stands out.

1. Getting The Cover Right:

The cover is your sales representative. Brochures are quite inactive tools and you are not often able to „walk“ individuals through your brochure. So you need to excite people to read further.

The cover should answer the WIFM question – What’s in it for me? Readers should be able to relate to the first page. They should be drawn to it, thinking that there might be something for them beyond its pages.

2. The Content:

After successfully inviting the readers to flip the pages, the brochure should hold the readers‘ attention a little bit more with its content. It should give the readers what they wish to see and, at the same time, what you want to impart.

Only include details that matter. Don’t overkill by swamping the readers with too much content or else you will surely lose them. Keep everything brief and compact. Only include significant details.

3. The Call For Action:

After grabbing their notice with the cover and providing them info with the content, offer the readers something to hold onto by printing your company’s contact details.

Having things like a toll-free number distinctly shown (in bold letters) can make a large difference. Having an email address is a clear bonus. Make sure these two are distinctly placed in large clear font type.

But above all, make sure that you include a clear call to action. One way to do this is to readdress the key value of your service to your prospect in a way that will get them to take action. Remember value is everything. People only buy something that is of value to them.

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