Schlagwort-Archive: marketing automation

SaaS Sales Automation

In recent years, cloud computing driven sales force automation has pulled way ahead of traditional on-premise sales tools. Why? Because sales force automation is easier to learn and use, more affordable, globally accessible on demand? and frees companies from the huge upfront investment and complexity of server-based sales software that takes forever to deploy.

Software Sales Tools

Sales force automation is the ideal sales tool, optimizing the full spectrum of sales activities. With the renowned ease-of-use, reps become productive much faster than with traditional sales software. It all adds up to rapid, universal adoption, torrid sales productivity, and skyrocketing revenue growth.

Sales Lead Management. With sales force automation, you can manage and distribute prospects to the right reps, so leads and opportunities are pursued quickly and never fall through the cracks.

Opportunity Management. Faster, smarter collaboration means higher productivity, greater pipeline visibility, and the ability to close more deals faster than with other sales tools. Sales force automation enables all this by providing a single place to update prospect data, track milestones, and record every deal-related interaction. And because it?s Web-based, it’s always securely accessible by everyone who needs it. From any continent and time zone, your entire team can instantly communicate and collaborate in real time?something you just can?t achieve with outmoded on-premise sales software.

Contact & Account Management. Sales force SaaS software provides a full view of each contact. Everyone gains deep knowledge of every prospect and account.

Activity Management. Reps need to stay organized and coordinate their activities to provide customers with prompt attention, and speed the closing of sales. With automation sales tools such as activity tracking and collaboration, team management, activity scheduling, and real-time alerts, your teams stay on track and on schedule. Activity reports can be generated for up-to-date snapshots of what?s going on in your organization, and tailored to fit the criteria you care about most.

Analytics and Forecasting. Sales force automation gives you an up-to-the-minute perspective on your entire business?one that?s more complete and comprehensive than any conventional sales software can supply. You get easy-to-customize dashboards that provide consolidated views of real-time data on sales. Tools for sophisticated analytics let managers and executives evaluate pipelines, assess win-loss metrics, take the pulse of market demand, and much more.

Better Sales Forecasts. Gain real-time forecasting capabilities far beyond those of traditional sales software. Sales force automation software leapfrogs outdated software.

Data Quality Management. Sales automation lets you eliminate errors such as duplicate contacts, accounts, and leads that can mar analysis, impair forecasts, and delay sales. Tools and utilities are provided for quickly cleaning and clearing your CRM database, including account merge, contact merge, lead search and merge, and data validation.

Customization. Sales automation is designed for tailoring to any business model. Business professionals can customize their sales force automation experience with ease, and developers have coding-level tools for deeper development.

Integration. Conventional sales software is difficult to integrate together with other systems. But with software as a service (SaaS), sales software headaches and limitations become things of the past.

Workflow. Tools inside SaaS sales software let you create custom rules based on any business event. Sales force software lets you set up multi-step approvals for any of your sales or business processes or opportunity-close approvals. With these capabilities, you can streamline routine activities and enforce your best practices.

Summary: Sales Automation SaaS

Installed Sales Automation Software. Outdated client-server deployed Sales Automation software requires you to invest a boatload of cash on networks and servers, and hire an expensive team of IT professionals to install, deploy, and run the software just to keep up with releases.

Web Based Sales Automation SaaS Solutions. Web based Sales Automation, hosted Sales Automation, on-demand Sales Automation, software-as-a-service (SaaS) Sales Automation?all these terms refer to the same thing: a new method for accelerating sales. With this popular type of Sales Automation offered by Sendside, there?s no software or hardware to buy, install, maintain, or upgrade. It’s the smart choice.

Discover more about sales automation software, visit to learn more about sales automation software for your sales force and marketing needs.