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Rules of Marketing on Twitter

There’s some very important rules and proper etiquette to follow when marketing on Twitter.

Twitter is a tremendous site to be able to network and chat with people all over the world. Unlike Facebook, there’s a very limited space and ability to share info with people, so it’s important to captivate your audience from the start. Anyone can talk about what they are eating for lunch or what movies their watching but is that what’s going to capture peoples attention?

Since you have a very limited time to capture your viewers attention on Twitter it’s important to post valuable content. If you’re pitching about your business opportunity all of the time then your followers are going to delete you.

It’s okay to regularly post about your business opportunity or product that you are promoting but make sure your tweets stay fresh, interesting, and provide value to your followers. If you post the same old tweets your followers will become uninterested and you will lose credibility.

When you’re marketing on Twitter don’t be too business orientated. Your followers will get tired of you very quickly if all you tweet is about business.

If you want to have success marketing on Twitter then make sure that you have fun and just be yourself. Also, make sure that you share funny videos, pics, and stories with your followers.

People don’t care about what you’re going to wear tonight or what time you’re going to bed, so keep your content fresh and lively in order to keep your followers engaged.

I’m not saying to never post about the small details or your life. Just balance these tweets with interesting ones as well.

When marketing on Twitter a good guideline to follow is 1 business tweet for every 3 tweets you post. So for every 3 content tweets you would post 1 business tweet. Only send out 5-6 tweets per day.

Your followers will stay more engaged with what you have to say if you follow these guidelines.

The more places that you post your Twitter link, the more followers that you’ll gain. Post your link on Facebook, your blog, email signatures, and any other relevant sites.

I highly recommend avoiding the use of automatic Twitter services that offer mass tweeting and bulk followers if you don’t want to have your account banned.

There are some sites like Tweetlater, and Just Unfollow that are legitimate sites. Just make sure that if you are going to use these kinds of sites, do your research on them first to make sure they are legitimate.

Once your account gets banned with Twitter, it’s a nightmare trying to get it back and you’ll lose all of your followers.

Marketing on Twitter the right way is a great way to build credibility for you and your business. If you do it right Twitter can provide your business with a tremendous amount of leads.

Twitter is a tremendous resource to be able to create huge amounts of traffic and leads for any niche if used properly. Just following the proper rules of engagement and you could be the next Twitter sensation. Look out Ashton Kutcher!

Twitter is a great site that could help you become a dominant leader in your particular niche if done right. If you’re looking for a training system that will teach you how to become a pro at Marketing on Twitter and every other form of internet marketing visit MLSP.