Schlagwort-Archive: market a book

Book Marketing for new authors

Here’s something else I just started doing. Since most people want to know how to promote their own book, I started offering a free marketing guide to anyone who buys our book online. That’s an alternative method of selling your book even to people who may only purchase it for the free information.

Final thoughts:

Again, you can’t just write a long commercial about yourself on twitter, you need to offer information readers or those in the media may be interested in reading about. Marketing your book takes time and practice.

1. Article Writing

Google, YouTube, Facebook, Digg and several other social networks allow you to exchange ideas with others. These forums are a great tool to advertise your work but you have to be careful not to come across as that.

Here’s an example: Someone starts a thread to discuss book marketing ideas. So you can contribute some examples of proposals that have worked for you and the pros and cons of using those methods. But don’t pitch your company or ask for payment.

Free advice is KING. And if you offer good advice, people will start looking for your responses and may even visit your website. It is then that you can make your sales.

Use Twitter to connect in the same way you do with FaceBook. Twitter accounts let you open more than one account but with different e-mails, so you can build lists on a variety of topics. The cool thing about twitter is that if you follow someone, they usually follow you back. Also, it is easy to experiment.

takes time and money. I would advise establishing one to two goals a month.

You can’t just write a long commercial about yourself in a press release, you need to offer information readers or those in the media may be interested in reading about. Marketing your book takes time and practice.

Set a promotion timeline:

First steps:

c. I could video a 59-year-old woman behind the wheel of a Dussenberg and make a mini-commercial to post on YouTube.

For example, my friend wrote, Francesca of Lost Nation a story about a friendship between a grandmother and granddaughter and how the two get involved in a summer of adventure racing cars, chasing wanted felons and unveiling a century-old town mystery.

How article marketing helps you get your book noticed: You gain a following, you establish yourself as an expert and you get free exposure. Every article directory online allows you to add a bio box where you can briefly describe who you are and what you are promoting. You are allowed to also include your website.

Asking for help:

Non-traditional marketing methods

2. Twitter

Here’s some other methods I have used:

First steps:

*Establish a business plan

* When establishing relationships, most people don’t walk up to someone and ask them to buy something, it is the same way on the social forums. Don’t just say, Hi and then go into your selling spiel. Have something to offer besides your products.

Ultimately, authors want their books to sell. If you follow these three steps, you will get results.

For example, my friend wrote,Francesca of Lost Nation and decided to publish it under her own business, luckycinda.

If I were to go on a forum, I might hook up with people who are into World War II history, aviation or apple farms. These all have something to do with the topics in my friend’s book. I could converse with people and at some point mention the book and let them know it’s available with things they already like. Or I might never mention it except in my information and bio box. This is still a good way to get a book noticed.

Wednesdays: 2 hours writing press releases

Final thoughts:

* Book festivals: You are required to have a seller license which will cost you money and you will also be charged for the right to have a table or booth at the event. While book festivals tend to draw book readers, there is no guarantee that they will purchase your book.

Not everyone is good with social forums. It takes practice and it does take time before you get a following. The great thing about FaceBook, besides its popularity, is that you can build numerous fan pages and groups for free. The best way to use FaceBook is to connect with like-minded people first. Then just chat back and forth about things you have in common. In time, you will be able to discuss your book like you would with a friend.

Keep it brief, informal and genuine and you will get rewarded.

3. Set a promotion timeline

You can adjust the schedule accordingly, the point is to account for your time and set something up that you can do routinely because if you do it every week, you will succeed.

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