Schlagwort-Archive: List of The Top 10 Consulting Firms

Top 10 Global Consulting Firms

Internationally, the top business strategies firms and corporate consulting firms are in the United States yet operate here and abroad. The Top Ten firms when taking into consideration globalization capabilities, governmental client base, regional rebound power, corporate ‚Who’s Who‘ client base and overall exposure would easily be McKinsey & Co. based in New York, Bain & Company out of Boston, The Boston Consulting Group, Monitor Co. centralized out of Cambridge, Arthur D. Little, the omnipresent Booz Allen & Hamilton, newcomer Princeton Corporate Solutions a recent transplant to NYC from Philadelphia, Mercer Management Consulting in DC, AT Kearney in lonely Chicago and Mitchell Madison Group, another New York Madison Ave veteran. These companies have their strengths and weaknesses.

One universal strength is that they have unique and targeted niches. They are lean and mean and able to turn on a dime when making a decision. From an employment perspective these companies have more downside than upside. If you’re considering working at any one of these firms expect long hours, seniority rule (last to be hired is the first to go) which works out well for those that can hide behind their desk and duck behind the computer monitor when management comes by to lower the hatchet on the non-performers and rookies.

If you’re looking to hire one of these companies know what sets them apart from other firms and why you are paying the premium for their efforts. The Boston Consulting Group specializes in strategies consulting known for creating matrices and diagrams to clarify issues, Bain stresses that all its strategy recommendations must be immediately useful totally customized around the client, McKinsey & Co is focused mainly on the ‚long term‘ strategy that builds traction over time best suited for those experiencing current organic growth and want to maintain it with a plan that will begin to yield scalability results a year or two down the road. (note: McKinsey & Co. is a hiring giant with over 9,000 consultants globally.

Princeton Corporate Solutions is a small firm with massive international exposure to senior governmental officials. Their unique blend of economic/political regional and corporate turnaround has made them one of the most powerful micro-corps on the international scene. (note: it’s pointless to try to engage their HR director for a job because, as difficult as this is to believe, they don’t have a human resource department, if you’re the best in your field of expertise, they’ll find you, spooky.)

Are you an MBA? How’s it feel to have wasted your time? Booz & Co, McKinsey and Princeton Corporate Solutions want real world experience and pedigree as opposed to a hiring decision based off of educational and solely analytical.

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