Schlagwort-Archive: jamesscott

Taking My Company Public – Economic Strategies and Political Power Grabs

Corporate strategies and political strategies are similar in many ways and merge in many more as the ultimate goal is recognition for a contribution to economic growth as this is the one power tool that transcends all other contributors to power. The entity recognized for delivering on promises of jobs, capital to a targeted geography or economic certainty is the one that will gain traction regardless of current economic disaster going on around them.

To do this, to be the person that gains a following for their ability to step into a position of power and swim in shallow shark infested waters one must consider the fact that you will be attacked from all angles and your ability to eliminate the factors that are conducive to facilitating these attacks is crucial but do to so and make a massive statement is where the natural genius comes into play. Fact: the most sensitive part of the shark’s anatomy is it’s eyes, surfers and divers that can stay calm when a shark is circling before an attach will immediately go for the eyes of the shark, kick, punch and shred with the fingernails, diver’s knife, whatever they have. This is what the reader must consider when diving into a realm as competitive as obtaining the power in a general corporate or political ‚power grab‘.

Don’t waste time on areas of the competitor that won’t have a disastrous affect immediately, a punch to the tail of fin won’t do anything is a shark attach, rip out the eyes and pummel the eye sockets and even if they keep coming they’ll be blind to your position which eliminates their position as a threat.

Know your competition, study them, identify their past affiliates and find out what they were like in the past, dig up dirt but don’t address them directly as this will make it too clear as to where the negative press is coming from, instead use a cat’s paw, third party to deliver the bad news. This third party should be completely none affiliated with you or your company and the information should be issued to them by a non affiliated messenger.

Find out where they sensitive points on the ‚mark‘ reside. Is it voting record? Pump and Dump schemes with other public companies? Is it a politician without a pedigree making them a lap dog to the established politicians who just use them as a vote? Who are they taking campaign money from? Who has the CEO elected as CFO or CFO and is there a blatant demonstration of misjudgment etc.?

The obligatory power grab is like offering an ice cold bottle of water to a group of 100 lost trekkers in the desert, they will use every advantage and fight as dirty as they have to in order to achieve ownership of this prized item.

Don’t bring a slinky to a fist fight, bring a steel pipe, don’t go to war with paper planes and silly putty, use remote controlled drones that will be able to inflict massive damage from afar. Don’t enter into a political or power grab without the right support and names backing you or it will be disastrous.

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