Schlagwort-Archive: ipo consultants

Taking Your Company Public, M and A Consultants, Corporate Strategies Consultants: Remember Leadership

Companies that lack growth are typically missing the element of leadership. Egotistical CEO’s that disrespect their staff and lack the necessary communication to yield productivity is usually the wrong person to back during an IPO or globalization initiative because without the cooperation of those in the trenches, the process becomes dysfunctional and all efforts are in vain. An individual in a senior executive position needs the dedication and emotional fuel that comes with a staff that backs his efforts.

The ‚C‘ level executive needs uncompromising character (make a promise and break it one time and it’s over, your staff will never trust you again) and a strong work ethic but another aspect that shouldn’t be ignored is the visual presence of a CEO with a powerful and elite advisory behind him assisting him in optimizing his strategic and tactical maneuvers to get from point ‚A‘ to point ‚B‘ in an expedited and streamlined manner.

Publicity assimilation needs to be issued in a way that feeds information to those who need it in a passive manner without stuffing it down the throats of junior staff members in a way that displays force-feeding or excessive action stemming from the ego of management. Treating support staff and sales agents as subservient of a lesser god and intellect will eliminate your ability to flow forward as one, singular cohesive unit which is a mandatory prerequisite to globalization, IPO’s and M & A.

Leaders can only function if they have a dedicated following. Verbal communication, keeping your staff in the know, having trusted informants on the floor and real mutual respect will give your roots depth and strengthen your position as a director. Your word needs to be golden with your staff and must supersede any advisory by board members, VP’s or political advisory. Those who insist on pressing the issues that diminish your integrity need to be dealt with immediately and typically termination of their position is the only way to set a precedent that is demonstrative of consistency (obviously, if you are in a difficult situation and the survival of the company is at stake or you are paying people to deliver the bad news, these things need to be taken into consideration before a termination is facilitated).

Leadership, influence, strategy and consistency are the arteries which will pump blood through the body of the company which delivers life and vitality to a corporation that is in the process of international expansion, mergers, acquisitions and the almighty IPO. The CEO’s job will be challenged with obstacles which will test the above but dedication to principle with an eye toward the end result will be the lantern that guides him through the chaos of the process.

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Take Your Company Public – „The Princeton Effect“ – The Most Powerful Economic Movement In 100 Years

For decades economic realities have been placed under a black veil of secrecy with its truths and lies known only to the institutional banking elite and we the public just stand like an ocean of monkeys. The system was never exposed, insiders never spoke out.

Yes, this industry has been nothing but lies and chaos, that is, until about 8 years ago. A small consulting firm called Princeton Corporate Solutions began to take this insider knowledge and make it available through very public articles and blogs. The blog on their website is one of the premier global economics and IPO blog stops on every economist’s pilgrimage to seeking and using investment banking, global commerce and IPO knowledge written by the hands of the masters.

The PCS blog does something that no other financial blog in the world does, they take away the technical jargon and in plain English, patiently and painstakingly take the reader by the hand and show them how something like having a personal bank account with a top tier institutional lender can be adding debt to your children’s tax liability 20 years from now.

They talk about the ‚unspoken‘ truths of how if a country wants to hurt another country that is not cooperating with insiders, then the insiders want to impose economic sanctions on these decanters and inflict pain by damaging trade relations, threatening IMF intervention or liquidating currency holding to further damage the company who’s not playing by the rules of the establishment. Taking the military into a country is more for statement than anything as economic sanctions are the most powerful tool of war without lifting a single gun and the goal is to get the citizens of the country fed up and wound up so that they force internal changes within their borders to get those sanctions lifted but this rarely happens. The economy will eventually weaken and big business will step in with fists full of Uncle Sam’s money and start introducing the locals to the finer things in life, the luxuries that they could have but their president doesn’t want them to have them etc.

The exposing of how institutional insiders and politicians toy with the system is now termed ‚The Princeton Affect‘ named after Princeton Corporate Solutions. „I think it’s a Wall Street Thing“ says James Scott, CEO of PCS, „I just got so sick of hearing the lies on TV and having all the zombies at home watching and believing all this garbage. All we are trying to do is help the little guy understand what he is truly up against when trying to run the company in this economy.“

Global economics affects everyone with a pulse on the planet yet so few people understand it, ‚The Princeton Affect‘ is the crystallization and simplifying technical economic issues in a way for the common man to increase knowledge and understanding on how to best protect oneself and grow during this difficult time as a business owner or C level executive.

Want to find out more about the Number One Financial blog on internet?, then Brad Heatherington suggests this site on how to choose the best Globalization Consultants for your needs.