Schlagwort-Archive: iphone

Are Smartphones More Popular Now?

Just about everywhere you go, people can be seen talking or texting on a mobile phone. In fact, mobile phone users surpass computer users and it is estimated that early in 2011 more than 80% of US consumers will have a mobile phone subscription; that equates to 250 million consumers. Of those consumers, 28% of them are smartphone users, according to Nielsen research. So are more people buying smartphones than regular mobiles?

The fact is that the majority of Americans currently own and purchase more regular „feature“ phones than they do smartphones. However, Nielsen research says all that will change in 2011 and by the end of this year in fact, the market share of sales may be around 50/50. That could be down to the fact that there are so many different types of smartphone on the market compared with the previous year. A lower price could also be a contributing factor and the more inexpensive that smartphones become, the more people will buy them.

However, smartphones are still slightly lagging behind standard mobile phones at the moment. One reason could be that smartphones still come at a higher cost. A lot of people are slow to move with the times and the rapidly developing technology accompanying the smartphone can leave some feeling a little daunted. People who buy smartphones need to take the time out to learn about its amazing features and take advantage of the apps available. That said, smartphones sales are trending upwards so quickly that they may soon have an equal share of the mobile phone market.

With mobile phone ownership already outstripping Pc ownership by 4 to 1, given the capabilities of the smartphone all-in-one device, it is easy to see why more and more people are turning on to the smartphone as a phone of choice, which is as much like a pocket PC as it is a cell phone.

Mobile marketing is already focusing on smartphone advertising platforms because it has already seen its rapid growth in the mobile phone market. If you are looking at mobile marketing for your business, then it is important to know more about smartphones, which phones your target audience is buying and what apps are being used.

Want to find out more about mobile marketing, then visit on how to choose the best solution for your needs.

How Do You Use Your Smartphone?

So you’ve hear the term „Smartphone“ and you may even own one or know someone who does but have you ever wondered what people really do with their Smartphones? Read on….

The Smartphone; a device that lets you make telephone calls, manage your life and so much more! You can also send and receive emails using its QWERTY keyboard, edit Office documents, access the Web and so on and it doesn’t stop there. As well as being a great work tool, it can play videos, play music, entertain you. So are consumers using their Smartphones for far more than simply keeping in touch?

A study conducted in the US by Nielsen surveyed 4,000 Smartphone owners, who reportedly downloaded a lot of Apps. and on a very frequent basis. Interestingly, despite its many applications, most of those users studied only used one app at a time. They were also owning up to playing a lot of games – over 60 percent said they had bought and used a game in the past month.

Due to its versatility as an entertainment system, half of the phone time used was split equally between games and media. In fact, you could reasonably expect a user, at some time, to be playing poker or watching a video or listening to music rather than working or keeping in contact with friends, family and colleagues. For 4,000 users studied in the US, game playing was top of the list, according to the Nielsen Company with Maps and Weather searches following closely behind and social networking a close fourth placed activity. For those users, communication came near the bottom of the list.

The Apple iPhone is leading the revolution worldwide and whatever their usage, be it personal, business or both, the Smartphone seems to be here to stay.

Looking to find the best deal on Mobile Marketing with Smartphones, then visit to find the best advice and read TXT2GET Blog to learn more.

Mobile Marketing Leeds – SMS, Bluetooth And The IPhone

Mobile marketing is somewhat of an ambiguous term for those who aren’t sure of its meaning. It’s difficult to simply drop straight in and start you campaigns without knowing the major utilities at your disposal and just how far they reach. Incorrectly distributed resources can potentially leave you in trouble, while well distributed resources can leave you with thousands of potential customers considering your products.

Short Code And Long Code Messages. Mobile phones allow for short code and long code messages to be sent to their phones. It’s an effective way to advertise, as it can vary in terms of distribution. Short code focuses on using locational advertising, such as the consumer needing to be at the brand’s event or store. When there, they will receive the appropriate messages. Short codes consist of 5 or 6 digit numbers assigned to individual mobile operators for use in their brand campaign. Additionally, all campaigns are checked out before distribution.

Long code is based on the international phone number format and allows businesses to function with their own individual number, rather than having to share one with other brands. It is mostly used for inbound numbers on a non-premium level and can replace short code in this respect.

Bluetooth marketing Bluetooth allows for hotspot-oriented content distribution, though it requires permission before the actual transfer begins. It has many benefits though, such as high-speed transfer and the technology is based on radio signals, meaning it is free of charge. While it is still in its infantile stages, some companies are beginning to make full use of this method of marketing.

App Store And The iPhone. Binding together the mobile phone and the internet, the iPhone has achieved what most other mobile phones have always had difficulty with: bringing mobile internet to millions of users and making it popular and easy to use. As such, it created millions of potential consumers who make full use of the Internet and app store. These provide excellent methods of con distribution, as it allows direct marketing through the app store or indirect by providing content distribution with the apps themselves.

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