Schlagwort-Archive: interview tips

Job Seeker Marketing Strategy

I’ve been in recruiting for Fifteen years. For people who don’t know, a headhunter (exact same thing as a recruiter) goes out and finds very specific people to fill very specific positions at client companies. If we should pull that off, there happens to be nice commission built in, and of course if we don’t, well, we starve. So, recruiters end up very capable of not only finding qualified people (the easier, not easy, part) but (the most important part) at preparing those individuals to talk about all the right things in response to their phone interview questions and later face-to-face meetings.

I’m a great believer in marketing an applicant (That’s recruiter-talk for the person seeking the position) utilizing a cohesive marketing plan. This involves three key components: The 30-second Elevator Pitch, The 180-second Tell Me a Little Bit About Yourself, and The Resume. All three are created focusing on the most impressive, specific achievements of the applicant.

To start with, looking back over job history, and only the career history that corresponds to the job being sought, identify the three highest impact specific successes. These really need to be examples of going above and beyond that really stick out. Also, they should include specific numbers whenever possible. For instance, „I was the # 1 producing sales representative out of Five-hundred in 2004 for producing over $50 million throughout my territory. That was a gain of over 36% from the previous year.“ Most people probably don’t have something that ideal, but get as near to that particular mark as you possibly can. It could be „I ran a $10 million dollar company with 87 employees for 7 years.“ Now, list out those three items in order from greatest to least.

The Elevator Pitch is a short 20 to 30 second initial introduction which is used during a phone call when contacting somebody new. In quick order, give your name, the number of years you’ve been in the profession, a 1 line version of your best accomplishment, and the reason you are calling. It might sound like this, „Hello, I’m Dean Jawarski. I’ve been an executive recruiter for Fifteen years. During that period of time I’ve placed over 200 software engineers at X company alone. I was wondering if we could discuss any positions you might have available?“ If that goes well, that pitch might turn into a conversation or at least result in one being scheduled.

„Tell me a little bit about yourself“, stands out as the beginning question of most interviews. It’s a wide open opportunity to set the tone for what is to follow. Again, repeat the elevator pitch, but this time get deeply into all three of your major accomplishments in depth. It should take two or three minutes. Then end it with a statement that those accomplishments as well as your work history on the whole are what make you a very good fit.

As far as the resume, it will also be built to highlight those three major accomplishments and perhaps two more. Many interviewers will make use of the resume as a general road map for that conversation going down it in order. If they do, this piece of paper will lead them straight to all of the success stories aforementioned.

In the end, the net result is an exceedingly concise and well put together presentation of all your best strengths that has been stated and restated 2-3 times.

Check out my Blog for more information on Job Hunting.

It Isn’t the Resume That is Broken

As a recruiter, I’m always getting people asking me for advice about their job search. That’s fine with me. I enjoy being helpful. If they’ve gotten that far, the conversation usually commences with a discussion of phone interview questions. However, a majority of the time, they are really asking because they happen to have been trying for months and can’t get an interview.

Many people will begin asking me questions about what’s wrong with regards to their resume, given that they feel there must be some trouble with their resume or background that is keeping them from getting a call back from the company’s human resources department. Their conclusions are reasonable based upon everything they’ve heard. They have followed the standard wisdom by sending in resumes to email addresses as instructed on job postings, or they have submitted resumes through job boards. That’s the way the employers tell everyone it works.

The thing is, that resume submission just happens to be the lowest result yielding activity involved with job searching. That shocks many people who don’t work with hiring or staffing. I tell people that they are putting all of their effort straight into the activity that delivers the smallest amount of results, and it shocks them. So, I’ve got to supply them with some background and explain.

I generally skip bringing up certain technology factors that have an impact but aren’t the big story. For example, there are many automatic document scanning programs used that search countless submission looking for certain keywords. If the correct keywords don’t show within the resume, then not a single person ever sees it. However, you never know if the person in recruiting vetting the applications even knows the right keywords to enter into the search field. That can especially be true for very technical positions.

My explanation usually starts by speaking about my average experience with a job posting. When I create an advertisement for a position, regardless of how detailed the ad or strict the qualifications required, many hundreds of people apply during the first day. So, after an hour or so, there is a giant digital pile of paperwork for me to examine. Additionally, people are calling the office, other interview are going on, contracts are being negotiated, and other searches are happening all simultaneously. The bottom line is, that like most professionals, I am in a time crunch.

So, when it comes to that pile of resumes, the majority of people choose a point and begin. It may be the first submitted. It could possibly be the last in at the top of the email, or maybe it’s somewhere in the middle. Usually then, they just scan through the resumes until they find 3 to 5 solid candidates to interview. After that, the review process stops, and the phone interview process moves forward with those 3 to 5. All the additional applicant’s files collect dust and don’t get touched unless they can’t hire one of the ones previously identified.

Following a shocked period of silence ,as the other party processes that information, I then move forward to discuss better alternatives for job hunting. So, don’t believe that the reason why you aren’t getting interviews or phone calls is due to something lacking in the substance or form of your resume. Often, an ideal person for a position is simply lost in the realities of the time constraints of the human resource function.

For more about Interview Questions, check out Our Blog.