Schlagwort-Archive: increase internet conversions

5 Secrets To Making Money On The Internet

A properly designed web site leads your reader to do something. Depending on what that „something“ is, determines the form and function of each web page. This article assumes you want your reader to buy a product. Even if you don’t have a functioning web page now, or if you have one that needs to improve its sales conversion ratios, this article will give you 5 easy steps that will help you design your web pages and enjoy better performance. This article is a condensed version of a much longer report, that is available for free at my website.

1 – Use various fonts and colors. Using one color and one font is boring. Bored people don’t buy, they leave. Use bright vibrant colors and multiple font styles and text sizes to capture interest and guide the reader’s eye to the part you want them to read. Use color, shading and font size to make the „buy button“ stand out on the page. Have several buy buttons on the page so that the reader has multiple opportunities to buy. Since most people don’t read a web page (they scan it) you must make their scanning more effective and that’s what color and font can do for you.

2 – Make it easy to buy today and give your reader a reason to do so. Many successful marketers, both on the internet and in a bricks-and-mortar store, use special bonuses, free giveaways, one time offers, one day discounts, and other things that prod the buyer to buy today. Why does a mattress store offer free delivery or a set of free sheets, pillow cases and a comforter? Because all these things make the „good deal“ on the mattress even better and give the buyer one more reason to buy. Your website must do the same. 100% sales conversion is impossible, but if you can improve your conversion by 10% or 20% you will make more money. Special incentives can help you do that.

3 – Reassure your customer before and after they buy. Most people are naturally skeptical of something being offered for sale on the internet. They have heard about scam artists who take money and never provide the product, or the product is useless and they can’t get a refund, etc. To be successful, you have to overcome this mistrust. There are several ways to do this. First – make it easy to find you. Have a „contact me“ button and respond immediately if someone emails you (even an auto-response will do). Then do a human response within 24 hours or less. Don’t delay. Every minute you delay builds your potential customers‘ mistrust and if they are in the market to buy something, your delay gives them an opportunity to buy it from someone else. Be sure to get testimonials from other customers, simple things like, „I bought this rhinestone dog collar for my poodle and now shes the prettiest dog on the block“ signed by Suzy Customer, will break down barriers and create trust. Once a person buys, get the thank you email out to them right away

4 – Always seem familiar. In other words, on your web page try to use words, colors and phrases that seem like other successful marketers. Look at other big sites and try to mimic them. If you look like Amazon in feel, color and usability, people who are familiar with Amazon will be more comfortable buying from you, even though you’re obviously not Amazon. Also use logos that people recognize. For example, give them the option of paying through Paypal or Google Checkout. These things will add credibility to your page and your offer.

5 – Micro-test anything and everything. Micro-testing and split-testing allow you to see what’s effective and what isn’t. The concept of testing is crucial to your success. Fortunately, its not hard to do. Simply changing one word in your home page and sending half your potential customers to that page may result in a huge improvement in conversions. But you won’t know unless you do the split test.

Improvingyour internet profits is a never ending endeavor. Get my free report 25 Great Tips To Building High Converting Websites . It will expand on the ideas I have shared here and give you ideas that will astonish you with their simplicity and deadly effectiveness. Youll send your income through the roof. The report 25 Great Tips To Building High Converting Websites is free. Get it today!