Schlagwort-Archive: hair salon joint ventures

Discovering How Joint Ventures Cna Increase Salon Revenues

Setting up partnerships with different sellers, non-compete services and providers will enable you to generate extra income, expand your promoting network, cross refer business and extend your service offerings, at sometimes no additional cost to you. It does use up time nevertheless , to sanction the partner-ships. The time investment is often typically upfront and, once established, the time spent in keeping up the relationship is small.

To get started, think about the complementary services that your clients would have an interest in and which suppliers of these services could be able to refer clients to you. Examples of such services, if you do not already have them in-house may be:

– Image Consulting – Doctors – Wedding Organizers

– Massage Therapists – Spa Salons – Tanning Salons

– Bridal Salons – Make Up Dexterity – Florists

– Nail Care – Photographers – Laser Hair Removing

– Facials/Skin Care – Cosmetic Surgeons – Tattooing

With each provider, you'll negotiate a different sort of business coalition as every one will be aiming towards a unique reward. For example: a new spa opening up in your area will be hoping to build a database so any new clients that are referred to them will be high concern.

You decide first on what their top needs (of the prospective partner) are and strike the deal to benefi t the provider, yourself, and the customer. You can earn an extra income from a laser hair removal center by receiving 10% of the transaction from each new client you refer to them. Such treatments are way more highly priced and the 10% multiplied can sum up to a very profi table additional revenue for you, at no cost to you. You can send a promotion to your customer base to tell them that XXX Hair Removing is a trustworthy and reliable supplier with 15 years of expertise. They are cheerful to offer your customer base a special first time visit consultation at a discounted rate (or free of charge) and an extra promotion if they proceed with the service. Simply mention „your salon’s name“ when you book the consultation.

There are many alternative ways to strike deals and partnerships. Just remember, the more that you have in effect the more probable you are to generate further income or have other firms refer business to you, at a tiny or no charge. The main criterion for a successful partnership is that there are 3-way benefi ts.

You will get advantages from either a commission or new clients, as will the possible partner, and the 3rd party to benefit is the client or potential customer.

For serious and proactive spa and salon owners, Michael Colosi is offering an amazing in depth no-cost report that details ways that you can get a substantial amount of new clients flowing into your spa or salon business….this month. Just visit: Marketing A Hair Salon Report and grab your copy now to get your hair salon marketing into overdrive.