Schlagwort-Archive: google plus local

Easy Small Business Marketing With Google Plus Local Page

Google plus local page is one of the excellent tools every small online business owner can take advantage of these days. This is actually a replacement of what the world’s largest search engine launched years before to help entrepreneurs depending on local search blogs for the marketing of their products and services. Since this is somewhat new, keen study of its features must be done for its best use.

For those who do not know what this is all about, here is a quick overview. To start off, this is an update in Google plus with two great objectives. The first objective is to ease the way people seek in their localities for small businesses – the product or service of which they need. The second objective is to have this shared through Google plus by simply clicking on the local tab. This new page can also be reached through web search or through the use of Google maps. Moving forward, this page is the exact replacement of the Google place page. If you have that page before the update happened, Google has automatically replaced it with this. But the all information transferred in this page is the same with what you have stored in your old page. The difference lies on the way Google has made the interaction between business owners and clients easier and more sociable. In your Google plus account, hover the mouse to the left side. You will see its corresponding icon right under the circles icon.

How do we take advantage of this update for the sake of our small businesses to build your brand? Cultivate all the page building features it has to offer. Firstly, post a lot of relevant pictures. Do not limit your pictures to the products and services you have. You can take people around, say, your restaurant by featuring every part of it through photos. A short clip showing how your staff prepares the food for diners could get viewers curious about your menu.

Along with images of your products or services, share short clips of your staff working at their best or your customers having a great time in your place. These will make your Google plus local page interesting. Highlight any post on your upcoming event like making it appear like a banner and attract attention. Share this to all the people in your circles. To ensure that your events will be well-attended, create a hang-out where people can discuss about it. Afterwards, fish for positive reviews as these will make followers come your way.

You might be wondering how this update is going to affect your search engine optimization efforts. Well, the news is – this page will be indexed and so everything you place here matters. Getting indexed can affect the way your small business website ranks in the search engine results pages. With this, spend an hour each day learning the features of your Google local plus page. You would definitely need an account set up in Google plus to take advantage of this page with great features. Nonetheless, your customers and online searchers need not have such account. They can access all information you post here through the web.

Looking To Utilize Google Plus Local For Your Business? Use This To Build Your Brand And Promote Your Business Today.