Schlagwort-Archive: equine world

Promotional Tips for Equestrian Businesses

The equestrian world is both close-knit and vast. If your business is involved in this industry then your customer pool is big. All horse owners have common requirements regardless of whether they are involved in dressage, showing or horse racing which are veterinary services, horse feeds and horse care equipment. To sell your products or services to this sector you need to know how to implement effective marketing strategies.

But if you’re new to the market, or a marketing novice, how exactly to do you sell to fellow equestrian enthusiasts? What works, and more importantly what doesn’t work when it comes to sealing the deal? This article features some of the most effective methods of marketing to horse owners and those involved in the horse world:

Having an Equine Business Website

Business websites have long replaced listings in the Yellow Pages. You need to have an online presence in order to be seen by our technology reliant world. However, you still need to have an eye-catching and instantly appealing pitch. Much like traditional listings, you need to persuade your potential clients that you are better than your competitors. Once your website has been designed you can allocate different pages to different areas of your business, whilst using the main homepage as you introduction and summary of your business.

A experienced web design company which understands the equine world will be able to save you time and money by implementing effective designs straight off. They will know which aspects of your business you should highlight on your website and how to make the overall design appealing to your target market. All with the aid of specialist design.

Outdoor Events and Shows

For the equine industry, trade stands are a great way through which to promote your products and services. If you have a stand at horse trials or country shows you will be faced by your target audience so you need to know how to draw them in to learn more about your business.

You can do this by making the most of exhibition stands and showcasing your products and services in their best light. You can use custom graphics which represent your brand, lighting to show off your products and if necessary audio to give your stand some atmosphere.

At The Races

You don’t need to be directly involved in the world of horse racing to make the most of a day at the races. You can capitalise on being in front of your target audience providing you get your marketing and stand appearance right.

If your stand has a good foot fall then you could receive more stands visitors in a few days than you might have had vistors to your website over a few months. The beauty of a day at the races, or tradeshows for that matter, is that you can speak to customers directly. This means that you’ll be able to answer any queries they may have right away.

If you know your business well enough, selling to the equine world can be straight forward. You simply need to know your market. You should take the time to work out who it is your business is trying to appeal to. Once you have identified this, take on board the tips outlined here and see your business go from strength to strength.

To find out more about powerful equestrian advertising and marketing strategies, check out Bird and Co Equine’s website at