Schlagwort-Archive: direct

Stop Cold Calling And Learn How To Generate Financial Sales Leads

Chances are good that you have been sitting with your family, enjoying a conversation or eating dinner when you are interrupted by a ringing phone. You answer the phone and hear a salesperson on the other end of the phone trying to convince you to buy a funeral plot or change long distance carriers. Like everyone else, you angrily tell the salesperson to remove you from his call-list. Next, you slam the phone down and hope he listened to you and takes you off of his list. This sales technique is called cold calling. The salespersons likely got your name and phone number from a company that you willing gave it to when you signed up for something. This is a very common scenario. Salespeople have gotten used to being cussed out, hung up on, and called all kinds of nasty names. Yet these salespeople keep calling total strangers, desperately hoping that just one of them will say yes.

This is no way to find financial sales leads. Instead, you should use internet marketing. With internet marketing, you get the customers to seek you out. When a customer is already interested in your product, and they find your site selling that product, they’re more likely to buy. The odds of selling your service or product increase exponentially when someone is actually looking for it. If you’re wondering how to go about bringing those customers to you so that you can generate some real financial sales leads, you’ll be happy to know it’s not difficult. It just takes dedication and time.


SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the process of using specific techniques to get your site to the first page, and hopefully to the top of the search engine results page. You can accomplish this by carefully choosing keywords and posting them strategically in blog posts or articles on your sites pages. For example, your website is used to market an e-book on financial planning. You would use keywords like make money, earn money online, how to make more money, etc. When a person types one of these words into the browser of their chosen search engine, your site will appear. Next they click through to your site, like what you’re offering, and make a purchase. This person was actually searching for the product or service you are selling. This is far better than cold calling complete strangers that may or may not have any interest in what you’re offering. Many of the top salespeople these days are using SEO to generate plenty of financial sales leads.

Search Engine Optimization is constantly evolving. Some of the common SEO techniques used today are pay-per-click, keyword density, back links, and article marketing. If you take the time to study and implement SEO, you’ll soon see your business take off. Forget about cold calling and use SEO to get all the financial sales leads you need.


Click here to learnSearch engine optimization for your business, get your free course in our site

Why Paper Business Cards Are Being Replaced By Frosted Plastic Cards

Business cards are as commonplace in our modern world as ketchup and mustard on a hamburger. We have various types of mustard sitting on grocery shelves which is an example of how all things of great value are reinvented over time. Today, the paper business card that we have all come to know over the years are being updated and replaced by frosted plastic cards.

What are frosted business cards?

Frosted business cards typically are roughly the same size as a standard paper card, although some can be slightly larger. Frosted cards are made from a sturdy plastic that will not break or tear easily, the way paper cards do after a while. They are not damaged by dirt or moisture, and they can safely be kept in a wallet or purse for long periods of time.

Typically, frosted plastic cards can be seen through, and they can be designed using graphics or themes that bring the relevant company to mind. The information they present is the same type of information that any business card would provide, including:

The company’s name Contact information A company logo, slogan, image or other company branding information Naturally, contact information is the primary piece of information people want when they pick up or ask for a business card, so it is essential that all contact information be provided on a frosted card. However, it is also true that company branding information is essential, as it lets the card advertise the company itself over time.

Advantages of frosted cards

Currently, frosted cards are a novelty. People notice the difference between frosted cards and traditional paper cards immediately. Frosted cards will be discarded less often because people want to keep them and look at them again. They give people the feeling they were handed something valuable instead of being handed a mere piece of paper.

The fact that they are held onto longer and appreciated more will keep the company’s personal information in front of a potential customer’s face for a longer period of time. These cards are also more likely to be passed on to other people, which spreads word of the business through word-of-mouth as well!

Finally, frosted cards are more durable and don’t tear up as easily as paper cards. They can stay in a wallet for many years without becoming illegible or otherwise falling apart. This means customers will hold onto them longer and businesses won’t have to keep giving the same clients their card over and over. This can actually save money over the long run, even if the initial investment is higher.

Who benefits from using frosted cards?

Many companies are giving out frosted business cards to show clients and potential clients that their business is appreciated and their interactions are valued. Some companies are now using frosted cards in place of all paper cards, while others use them only for specific marketing campaigns.

Literally anyone who has something they want others to hang onto for awhile would do well to purchase frosted cards.

The Future of Business Cards

Although frosted business cards are an attention-grabbing novelty today, they will become the standard business card of the future. Paper business cards are rapidly being replaced; they simply don’t withstand the treatment that most people give them. Why not be a trendsetter and change over to frosted business cards today?

If you want to know what frosted plastic cards can do for your business contact us.